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Re: [Enigma-devel] Engima for the iPhone/iPod Touch

From: Alex Smith
Subject: Re: [Enigma-devel] Engima for the iPhone/iPod Touch
Date: Thu, 01 Jul 2010 17:56:38 +0100

On Tue, 2009-10-06 at 15:54 -0500, Geoffrey Gallaway wrote:
> Hey Alex, thanks for taking the time to write a great response to some  
> of my questions. I've responded to your points below. Please let me  
> know what you think.

I know this is a (very) old thread, but it may be worth resurrecting; it
seems that it is impossible to put a GPLv2 application into the Apple
App Store after all. Not because of the reasons I brought up in the
thread earlier, but due to the Terms of Service for Apple's App Store.
(In other words, you aren't breaking the GPL or Apple's agreements by
putting a GPLv2 app in the App Store, as has been discussed already; but
Apple is if they actually distribute the app to people.) The FSF have an
analysis at
 with further links and information. (The issue is that when selling/providing 
apps to people via the App Store, Apple puts restrictions on the ways in which 
you can use the app, which contradicts the last sentence of section 6 of the 

Therefore, Enigma on the iPhone probably wouldn't be possible after all,
at least not via Apple's App Store.


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