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[Enigma-devel] Hi from Ray Re: Check out Enigma Level Offerings

From: RayRWick
Subject: [Enigma-devel] Hi from Ray Re: Check out Enigma Level Offerings
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 18:18:47 EDT

Hi Enigma enthusiasts,
     I am Ray Wick, a long time Enigma enthusiast.  I have redone five levels that were in the old Enigma level method.  I have also made eleven new levels.  All of which, I hope, are ready for testing by other Enigma enthusiasts.
     While working on the new levels I noticed that there was provisions to put a web site in the XML code to be displayed with the level information.  This and the fact that my old AOL and my old computer do not work well together when I try to put attachment on E-mail prompted an interest in web construction.  After acquiring a "FREE" after rebate web building software package I am trying my hand at making a web site.  The first part of which is a way to offer my new Enigma levels.  Below is a link to where they can be downloaded from along with some helpful tools for doing some of them.
Or if the link doesn't work you can copy and paste the address in your browser:
I hope you decide to try these levels and enjoy the process.
As always, comments, suggestions and criticisms are welcome and desired.
Another quote from the "X" Files:

"I'm in the game because I believe what I'm doing is right."
"Cancer Man", circa 1997


Ray Wick.

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