Copyright © 2009 Ray Wick Lua 5.1 and XML (copied from Level administrators) revised 08-13-09 by Ray Wick You might want to write down the clues below for future reference. The coins at the left must be placed on the row and column junction of each King and his matching Nick Name for a solution. Hit the stone at the right to generate pins to mark negative deductions. Step on the trigger at the right to test your placement of coins and open the door. Sorry, try another solution. The row to the right represents King Robert. The row to the right represents King Edward. The row to the right represents King James. The row to the right represents King William. The row to the right represents King O-Helred. The column below represents nick name "Unprepared". The column below represents nick name "Campaigner". The column below represents nick name "Brute". The column below represents nick name "Pierce-Arrow". The column below represents nick name "In-law". The column below represents death by Dragons. The column below represents death by English. The column below represents death by Hunting. The column below represents death by Poison. The column below represents death by Plague. The row to the right represents death by Dragons. The row to the right represents death by English. The row to the right represents death by Hunting. The row to the right represents death by Poison. The row to the right represents death by Plague. Logic Puzzle one, King's nick Names. The five kings were: Robert, James, the one known as "the Campaigner", the one killed in a hunting accident, and the one who died from the plague. O-helred (who was not known as the In-law), Pierce-Arrow, and the king killed by dragons were all 3rd cousins. Neither dragons nor the English killed Edward nor the Unprepared. Pierce-Arrow was the only king to share an initial with his means of death. O-helred was frightened as a youth by a wild boar. Consequently, he avoided the hunt at all costs. Robert the Brute was not poisoned. William's death held political reasons.