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Re: [Enigma-devel] Polished Sounds

From: Ronald Lamprecht
Subject: Re: [Enigma-devel] Polished Sounds
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 20:58:05 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080708)


ND wrote:
 What sounds need to be created/polished for Enigma.
 Also what is the desired audio codec:
 MP3    WAV

That sounds great :-)

Yes, we have need of polished sounds and some events still miss any sound at all! Currently we use WAV, and Ogg for the new title music.

Andreas - are there any SDL limitations for the sound events?

The sound table is contained in the file data/sound-defaults.lua:

soundtable_enigma = {
    [""]           = "",        -- empty sound
    ballcollision  = "enigma/ballcollision",
    blackbomb      = "enigma/explosion1",
    blockerdown    = "",
    blockerup      = "",
    booze          = "",
    bumper         = "enigma/bumper",
    cloth          = { file="enigma/st-thud", damp_max = 4.0 },
    coinslotoff    = "",
    coinsloton     = "enigma/st-coinslot",
    crack          = "",
    doorclose      = "enigma/doorclose",  -- missing
    dooropen       = "enigma/dooropen",   -- missing
    drown          = "enigma/drown",
    dynamite       = "enigma/explosion2", -- replace?
    electric       = "enigma/st-stone",   -- replace
    exit           = { file="enigma/exit", global=true },  -- missing
    extinguish     = "",
    fakeoxyd       = { file="enigma/st-fakeoxyd", volume=0.3 },
    falldown       = "enigma/falldown",   -- missing, unused (falling is 
    fart           = "enigma/fart",
    finished       = { file="enigma/finished", global=true },  -- missing
    floordestroy   = "",
fourswitch = "enigma/st-switch", glass = "enigma/st-metal", -- replace
    hitfloor       = "enigma/stone",      -- missing, used by it-vortex
    impulse        = "",
    intro          = { file="enigma/intro", global=true },  -- missing
    invrotate      = { file="enigma/invrotate", global=true },
    itemtransform  = "enigma/st-magic",
    jump           = "enigma/boink",
    jumppad        = "",
    landmine       = "enigma/explosion2",  -- replace?
    laserloop      = "",
    laseron        = { file="enigma/st-laser", damp_max = 20.0, damp_inc = 2.0 
    laseroff       = "",
    lock           = "",
    magneton       = "",
    magnetoff      = "",
    mail           = "",
    menuexit        = { file="enigma/menuexit", global=true },
    menumove        = { file="enigma/menumove", global=true },
    menuok          = { file="enigma/menuok", global=true },
    menustop        = { file="enigma/menustop", global=true },
    menuswitch      = { file="enigma/menuswitch", global=true },
    metal          = "enigma/st-metal",
    mirrorturn     = "enigma/st-mirrorturn",
    movebig        = "enigma/st-move",
    moveslow       = "enigma/st-move",
    movesmall      = { file="enigma/st-move", damp_max = 10.0, damp_inc = 2.0 },
    oxydclose      = "enigma/st-oxydclose",  -- missing, not neccessary I think
    oxydopen       = { file="enigma/st-oxydopen", damp_max = 2000.0, damp_inc = 
50.0 },
    oxydopened     = "enigma/st-oxydopened",
    pickup         = { file="enigma/pickup", global=true },
    puller         = "",
    puzzlerotate   = "enigma/st-move",
    rubberband     = "enigma/boing",
    scissors       = "",
    seedgrow       = "enigma/seedgrow",  -- missing
    shatter        = "enigma/shatter",
    shattersmall   = "enigma/shatter",   -- replace, "shattersmall" is missing
    shogunoff      = "",
    shogunon       = "",
    shuffle        = "enigma/switch",
    skull          = "",
    spade          = "",
    squish         = "",
    stone          = "enigma/st-stone",
    stonedestroy   = "enigma/explosion0",
    stonepaint     = "enigma/st-magic",
    stonetransform = "enigma/st-magic",
    swamp          = "enigma/swamped",
    switchmarbles  = "enigma/warp",      -- missing
    switchoff      = "",
    switchon       = "enigma/st-switch",
    switchplayer   = "enigma/switch",
    sword          = "",
    thief          = "enigma/thief",     -- missing
    triggerdown    = "enigma/it-triggerdown",
    triggerup      = "enigma/it-triggerup",
    turnstileleft  = "enigma/turnstileleft",  -- missing
    turnstileright = "enigma/turnstileright", -- missing
    umbrellaoff    = "",
    umbrellaon     = "",
    umbrellawarn   = "",
    unlock         = "enigma/unlock",    -- missing
    vortexclose    = "enigma/doorclose", -- missing
    vortexopen     = "enigma/dooropen",  -- missing
    warp           = "enigma/warp",      -- missing, maybe suck2?
    whitebomb      = "enigma/explosion1",
    wood           = "enigma/wood",
    yinyang        = "enigma/st-magic",

Looking forward to your contributions,



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