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Re: [Enigma-devel] level submission: minesweeper

From: Andreas Lochmann
Subject: Re: [Enigma-devel] level submission: minesweeper
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 03:07:57 +0200
User-agent: IceDove (X11/20080305)


Brian Huffman schrieb:
Three minor things I still see:
- The colours of the fields should be stated somewhere
  in detail, in this dense mine field it might be important
  to know the number behind "deep-red". I suggest a row
  beside the playing area with the field-colors correspon-
  ding to y-coordinate or something similar.
  Whatever suits the design.

I have added "Deep Blue = 5" and "Deep Red = 6" to the in-level document. There is also a floor tile for 7 neighboring mines, but this occurs so rarely that I think it is unnecessary to document it - players should be able to figure out what it means by elimination if they ever see it.

- In the "reachable"-function, "m == 10*7" should instead
  be something depending on the number of mines?
  Otherwise I didn't understand this function.

OK, I have rewritten this function slightly so that it might be a bit easier to understand. Note that it checks the reachability of *all* tiles, even ones containing mines. It starts by marking all the tiles around the edge as reachable; then for each reachable non-mine square, it marks the four neighboring squares as reachable.

Okay, this was my mistake. And this of course makes sure
that all oxyds are reachable as well. Very good.

- I don't understand how you distribute the oxyds in the
  end. They should be reachable as well---or the mines
  have to be deactivated in the end.

At the start, the mines are generated randomly, with their coordinates stored in a list. At the end, oxyds are placed at the coordinates of the first 8 mines from the list. The reachability check ensures that all the oxyds will be reachable without hitting any mines.

Quoting Ronald Lamprecht <address@hidden>:

Another suggestion from my side:

Sometimes it is annoying when the level restarts directly on a false
move. It would be nice to be able to analyse ones own mistake. Let the
marble resurrect, show the bombs and give the player a document to
press Shift+F3 (or Ctrl A) to restart the level.

I have implemented this idea, and I think it works well. If you hit one mine, they all explode, revealing their positions. If this happens, the game is internally flagged as being unwinnable, and a document reading "Shift+F3" is generated.

Okay, great work! It already became one of my
favorite levels, and I think, it'll have good chances
for an award at the end of this year (provided that
Enigma 1.1 will be out then ;-) ).

Now we only need your own solution times,
and a good title, and will release it with 1.1.

As a title ... traditionally (beginning with "Enigris"
I think), we try to create a portmanteau word from
"enigma" or "marble" and the game's name itself.
Difficult with "Minesweeper" ... "Marblesweeper"?
"Mineswigma"? Sounds like a psychic disease to me ...
"Triggersweeper" ... "Minigma" ... ? What do you think?

Best greets,

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