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[Enigma-devel] Re: Comments on the level xml schema

From: Ronald Lamprecht
Subject: [Enigma-devel] Re: Comments on the level xml schema
Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2006 12:51:01 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (Windows/20050923)


Tacvek wrote:
You define "xml:lang" as "en" on the <xs:schema>. This is good, and is a practice reccomended by the Schema documentaion in the case that all <xs:documentation> tags are in the same language. When <xs:documentation> is available in multiple languages
then it is reccomended to drop that attribute from <xs:schema>.

There will be no <xs:documentation> in multiple languages. I try to make very limited use of <xs:documentation> as it makes schemas quite unreadable.

You will find only technical infos in my <xs:documentation>. The "user" documentation you will find in the Enigma reference manual. This documentation is very detailed on all semantical aspects. I keep the reference manual up to date with the schema. Note that not all features may yet be supported by the trunk version - read the commit messages about progress.

It may be desireable to include optional attributes in the basic form
<xs:attribute ref="xml:space" default="preserve"/>
Changing "preserve" to whatever would fit that element.
On the other hand that syntax would allow a level to change
the "xml:space" attribute. If that is not desireable then
"fixed" should be used rather than default. Of course
there is no need whatsoever to add that tag, but it is reasonable.

I hope the level authors can live with the current whitespace default handling. I would like to keep the schema as simple as possible - for readability and maintance purposes.

Documentation is lightly scarce. In at least a few cases the meaning of a tag or attribute is not clear from its name alone and could benefit from documentaion. For example, while I was able to guess the meaning of the "open" attribute of the "licence" tag, the word "open" is sufficently
ambigious that documention would be a good idea.

Read the reference manual.

There should probably be an "upgrade" type rather than two virtually identical tags. If the two "extentions" tags represent the same basic thing, they should also probably be two
instaces of a seperately defined base type.

Read the reference manual.

It would be nice to actually define the contents of the "elements" element, although this is not a priority as no
levels are using that yet.

Due to a lack of time I just reserved the element and ensured that future levels can be read with current Enigma versions. The definition will follow ASAP.

[Comments on the format itself (at least as defined by the schema)]

"Titel" is German. As all the other tag/attribute names are in English (AFAICT), perhaps "title" should be used.

A typo - thanks, no one did spot this one yet!

It is not clear to me what the "score" attribute of the "version" tag reprensents. This would be annother
good attribute to add documentation to the schema for.

Read the reference manual.

The "author" tag is required although it must have no content, and all of its attributes are optional. While entirely reasonable, especially because the default attribute for author name would not be visable if there was no author tag, it does seem a little awkward. It is probaby not a big deal.

Read the reference manual.
I just want the few anonymous authors to be aware of their status and that we respect their rights.

The "externaldata" tag represents a sufficently complex concept that it desrves documentation. Based on the anyattribute element, I assume it is currently defined for compatibility with a future feature,
so an annotation explaining that is certainly reasonable.

The same goes for the "extentions" tag.

Read the reference manual.

The modes attributes really could use documentation. For example "easy". While I know what that means, a person might assume it meant that the level was easy, rather than supporting easy mode. The "single" and "network" attributes could use some clarification. I assume they are not mutually exclusive, but at least one of them must be true.
And I honstly have no clue what the "control" attribute represents.

The "update" and "upgrade" elements could use documentation, as i'm not really sure what they represent.

Why is the "easy" attribute of the "Score" element required?
It seems to me that levels without an easy mode should be allowed to omit it.

Read the reference manual.
Again I want to remember the author to supply an easy mode - technically an optional attribute with default value would be equivalent.

Rather than use an attribute in the Enigma namespace, it is recomended that "xml:lang" be used.
See: http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-when-xmllang
The appropriate tag is:
  <xs:attribute ref="xml:lang" use="required"/>
The level schema would require an import statement so that a parser could find the schema fragment that
defines xml:lang. The statement required is:
 <import namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace";

I started with xml:lang, but did run into serious technical trouble. As far as I remember it was related to Xalan with the stylesheets that extract the translations and Xerces C++, too. Instead of spending my time to fix these problems I advanced with Enigma.

BTW I do want to keep Enigma capable of running standalone. Thus I do not want to import a schema from the internet and extending the resolver to take a local copy seems not to be worthwhile the benefits.

[Comment on the current xml level examples]
It seems that it may be wise to use the default namespace feature in the level files to avoid excess prefixes.

As I want to separate Enigma's schema elements from those private once added by a level editor we have to live with the prefixes.

P.S. You did receive my makefile fragment for generating lua-*.* from *-lua.pkg right?

Your makefile rules may need configure.ac modifications, as with a fresh checkout from the repository the modification dates of *.cc and *.pkg are undetermined, but we cannot rebuild *.cc from *.pkg until we have tolua++. And tolua++ does not exists on process of configure.ac. That was the reason I first asked for a makefile target and not rules (and I guess the reason why Daniel did comment out the old rules). Just need some time to find a proper solution.

Thanks for the feedback


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