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Re: [Enigma-devel] ask for help

From: Ronald Lamprecht
Subject: Re: [Enigma-devel] ask for help
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 21:20:47 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (Windows/20050923)


宋 伟 wrote:
> hello ,every one,
> I am a newer to play enigma,the point is I am interested in the source 
> code of enigma,I have the will to read the whole code.As I have meet 
> lots of questions when reading the code,so I want a more detailed 
> description-document for this code or such things could help me reading 
> code.
> I am really long for help from all your guys ,
> I have already sent subscription request to Enigma-devel on 
> web:http://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/enigma-devel some minutes 
> ago,although I am not very sure the function of this subscription(I am a 
> chinese,so maybe language is just the reason).If there is any other 
> organization of enigma that I could attend,I am so willing to.
> And if there is any thing I can do for enigma,I am always here for you.
>             yours friend
>                  lake

Your subscription to enigma-devel succeeded - otherwise your posting
would not have been distributed.

The source repository is located at
(https://developer.berlios.de/svn/?group_id=3972) - download the current
revision. You will notice that Enigma consists of about 45000 lines of
C++ (enigine) and 85000 lines of LUA (levels and some initialization),
upcoming XML (levels and options) and texinfo (documentation).

If you plan to write levels learn LUA (http://www.lua.org/) and have a
look at the Enigma documentation (reference manual). You just need to
look at a few levels that are somewhat similar to your new levels to get
the right idea. Post levels to this newsgroup.

If you would like to contribute to the engine you need C++ and some tool
knowledge. Start recompiling the repository version and get familar with
the cross-compilation. The main engine development platform is Linux,
but the project should compile in every revision for Windows, too. You
can compile the Windows version under Linux or under Windows with help
of MinGW - have a look at the Readme's. When your are familar with the
tools dig into the part of sources of your interest. We know the sources
could be better documented. Sorry about any inconvenience.

When you feel ready to contribute to Enigma tell us your subjects of
interest and we will porpose you some ideas for contributions.


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