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[Emms-patches] darcs patch: browse subcategories (eg artist->album->titl

From: Damien Elmes
Subject: [Emms-patches] darcs patch: browse subcategories (eg artist->album->title)
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2006 04:04:27 +0900 (JST)

Sat Jun 10 03:59:50 JST 2006  Damien Elmes <address@hidden>
  * browse subcategories (eg artist->album->title)
  - subcategories can now be expanded and contracted, and added to
  - see the new keybindings at the top of the file
  - add new faces for the various sublevels (only the dark background
    colours are useful at the moment - any light background users want
    to fix that?)
  - fix a bug in emms-smart-browse with (recenter)
New patches:

[browse subcategories (eg artist->album->title)
Damien Elmes <address@hidden>**20060609185950
 - subcategories can now be expanded and contracted, and added to
 - see the new keybindings at the top of the file
 - add new faces for the various sublevels (only the dark background
   colours are useful at the moment - any light background users want
   to fix that?)
 - fix a bug in emms-smart-browse with (recenter)
] {
hunk ./emms-browser.el 47
-;; SPC      - add all the tracks on the current line to the playlist
-;; RET      - do the same, and start the first added track playing
+;; SPC      - expand/contract current item
+;; RET      - add current artist/album/title/etc
+;; C-RET    - as above, but select the first added file and play
hunk ./emms-browser.el 123
+(defvar emms-browser-current-mapping-type nil
+  "The current mapping type, eg. 'info-artist")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'emms-browser-current-mapping-type)
hunk ./emms-browser.el 133
-    (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'emms-browser-add-tracks-and-play)
-    (define-key map (kbd "SPC") 'emms-browser-add-tracks)
+    (define-key map (kbd "C-/") 'emms-playlist-mode-undo)
+    (define-key map (kbd "SPC") 'emms-browser-toggle-subitems)
+    (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'emms-browser-add-tracks)
+    (define-key map (kbd "<C-return>") 'emms-browser-add-tracks-and-play)
hunk ./emms-browser.el 142
-     (:foreground "plum"))
+     (:foreground "#aaaaff"))
+    (((class color) (background light))
+     (:foreground "Blue"))
+    (((type tty) (class mono))
+     (:inverse-video t))
+    (t (:background "Blue")))
+  "Face for the tracks in a playlist buffer."
+  :group 'emms-browser-mode)
+(defface emms-browser-tracks-sub-face-1
+  '((((class color) (background dark))
+     (:foreground "#7777ff"))
+    (((class color) (background light))
+     (:foreground "Blue"))
+    (((type tty) (class mono))
+     (:inverse-video t))
+    (t (:background "Blue")))
+  "Face for the tracks in a playlist buffer."
+  :group 'emms-browser-mode)
+(defface emms-browser-tracks-sub-face-2
+  '((((class color) (background dark))
+     (:foreground "#4444ff"))
+    (((class color) (background light))
+     (:foreground "Blue"))
+    (((type tty) (class mono))
+     (:inverse-video t))
+    (t (:background "Blue")))
+  "Face for the tracks in a playlist buffer."
+  :group 'emms-browser-mode)
+(defface emms-browser-tracks-sub-face-3
+  '((((class color) (background dark))
+     (:foreground "#3333ff"))
hunk ./emms-browser.el 266
-(defmacro emms-browser-add-category (name track-type)
+(defmacro emms-browser-add-category (name track-type &optional expand-func)
hunk ./emms-browser.el 276
-     (emms-browser-display-by ,track-type)
+     (emms-browser-display-by ,track-type ,expand-func)
hunk ./emms-browser.el 279
-(emms-browser-add-category "artist" 'info-artist)
-(emms-browser-add-category "album" 'info-album)
-(emms-browser-add-category "genre" 'info-genre)
-(emms-browser-add-category "year" 'info-year)
+(emms-browser-add-category "artist" 'info-artist 'emms-browser-show-albums)
+(emms-browser-add-category "album" 'info-album 'emms-browser-show-titles)
+(emms-browser-add-category "genre" 'info-genre 'emms-browser-show-artists)
+(emms-browser-add-category "year" 'info-year 'emms-browser-show-artists)
hunk ./emms-browser.el 290
-               (setq field (emms-track-get track field-type "missing-tag"))
+               (setq field (emms-track-get track field-type "misc"))
hunk ./emms-browser.el 298
-(defun emms-browser-display-by (field-type)
-  "Render a mapping into a browser buffer."
+(defun emms-browser-display-by (field-type &optional expand-func)
+  "Render a mapping into a browser buffer.
+Optional EXPAND-FUNC is a function to call when expanding a
hunk ./emms-browser.el 303
-    (maphash (lambda (field track)
-               (emms-browser-insert-entry field track))
+    (maphash (lambda (desc data)
+               (emms-browser-insert-entry desc data expand-func))
hunk ./emms-browser.el 324
-(defun emms-browser-insert-entry (entry tracks)
-  "Add a single ENTRY -> TRACKS mapping to the buffer."
+(defun emms-browser-insert-entry (entry tracks &optional expand-func)
+  "Add a single ENTRY -> TRACKS mapping to the buffer.
+EXPAND-FUNC is an optional func to call when expanding a line."
hunk ./emms-browser.el 330
-                            'emms-tracks tracks
+                            'emms-browser-data tracks
+                            'emms-browser-level 1
+                            'emms-browser-expand-func expand-func
hunk ./emms-browser.el 338
-  (let ((tracks (emms-browser-tracks-at))
+  (let ((tracks (emms-browser-data-at))
hunk ./emms-browser.el 379
-(defun emms-browser-tracks-at (&optional pos)
+(defun emms-browser-data-at (&optional pos)
hunk ./emms-browser.el 388
-                        'emms-tracks))))
+                        'emms-browser-data))))
hunk ./emms-browser.el 396
+;; --------------------------------------------------
+;; Expansion/subitem support (experimental)
+;; --------------------------------------------------
+(defmacro emms-browser-add-show-category (name field-type &optional 
+  "Create an interactive function emms-browser-show-FIELD-TYPE.
+EXPAND-FUNC is used to further expand subitems."
+  (let ((fname (intern (concat "emms-browser-show-" name)))
+        (fdesc (concat "Show " name " under current line")))
+  `(defun ,fname ()
+     ,fdesc
+     (interactive)
+     (let ((data (emms-browser-make-alist-from-field
+                  ,field-type
+                  (emms-browser-data-at))))
+       ;; FIXME: sort data
+       (emms-browser-insert-subitems data ,expand-func)))))
+ "albums" 'info-album 'emms-browser-show-titles)
+ "artists" 'info-artist 'emms-browser-show-albums)
+ "titles" 'info-title)
+(defun emms-browser-level-at-point ()
+  "Return the current level at point.
+Actually this function returns the value of the first character
+on the line, because if point is on a trailing \n it will fail.
+Returns 0 if the current line is not an entry."
+  (let ((val
+         (get-text-property (line-beginning-position)
+                            'emms-browser-level)))
+    (if val
+        val
+      0)))
+(defun emms-browser-find-entry-more-than-level (level)
+  "Move point to next entry more than LEVEL and return point.
+If no entry exits, return nil.
+Returns point if currently on a an entry more than LEVEL."
+  (let ((old-pos (point))
+        level-at-point)
+    (re-search-forward "\n" nil t)
+    (if (> (emms-browser-level-at-point) level)
+        (point)
+      (goto-char old-pos)
+      nil)))
+(defun emms-browser-subitems-exist ()
+  "True if there are any subentries under point."
+  (let ((current-level (emms-browser-level-at-point))
+        new-level)
+    (save-excursion
+      (re-search-forward "\n" nil t)
+      (when (setq new-level (emms-browser-level-at-point))
+        (> new-level current-level)))))
+(defun emms-browser-toggle-subitems ()
+  "Show or hide (kill) subitems under the current line."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (emms-browser-subitems-exist)
+      (emms-browser-kill-subitems)
+    (emms-browser-show-subitems)))
+(defun emms-browser-show-subitems ()
+  "Show subitems under the current line."
+  (let ((func (get-text-property (line-beginning-position)
+                                 'emms-browser-expand-func)))
+  (if func
+      (funcall func)
+    (message "Can't expand further!"))))
+(defun emms-browser-kill-subitems ()
+  "Remove all subitems under the current line.
+Stops at the next line at the same level, or EOF."
+  (let ((current-level (emms-browser-level-at-point))
+        (kill-whole-line t))
+    (save-excursion
+      (emms-with-inhibit-read-only-t
+       (while (emms-browser-find-entry-more-than-level current-level)
+         (kill-line)
+         (previous-line))))))
+(defun emms-browser-insert-subitems (subitems &optional expand-func)
+  "Insert SUBITEMS under the current item.
+SUBITEMS is a list of cons cells (desc . data).
+emms-browser-level will be set to 1 more than the current level."
+  (let ((new-level (1+ (emms-browser-level-at-point)))
+        desc data)
+    (save-excursion
+      (next-line)
+      (beginning-of-line)
+      (emms-with-inhibit-read-only-t
+       (dolist (item subitems)
+         (setq desc (car item))
+         (setq data (cdr item))
+         (insert
+          (emms-propertize (concat (make-string (* 2 (1- new-level)) ?\  ) 
+                           'emms-browser-data data
+                           'emms-browser-level new-level
+                           'emms-browser-expand-func expand-func
+                           'face
+                           (intern
+                            (concat
+                             "emms-browser-tracks-sub-face-"
+                             (int-to-string
+                              (1- new-level)))))
+          "\n"))))))
+(defun emms-browser-make-alist-from-field (field-type tracks)
+  "Make an alist mapping of FIELD-TYPE -> TRACKS.
+Items with no metadata for FIELD-TYPE will be placed in 'misc'"
+  (let (db key existing)
+    (dolist (track tracks)
+      (setq key (emms-track-get track field-type "misc"))
+      (setq existing (assoc key db))
+      (if existing
+          (setcdr existing (cons track (cdr existing)))
+        (push (cons key (list track)) db)))
+    db))
hunk ./emms-browser.el 541
-                 (when emms-browser-switch-to-playlist-on-add
-                   (emms-smart-browse))
-                 ;; recenter
-                 (with-selected-window
-                     (emms-browser-get-linked-window)
-                   ;; FIXME: how do we achieve the same behaviour as
-                   ;; c-u when calling interactively?
-                   (recenter))))
+                 (let (playlist-window)
+                   (when emms-browser-switch-to-playlist-on-add
+                     (emms-smart-browse))
+                   ;; recenter
+                   (when
+                       (setq playlist-window
+                             (emms-browser-get-linked-window))
+                     (with-selected-window
+                         playlist-window
+                       ;; FIXME: how do we achieve the same behaviour as
+                       ;; c-u when calling interactively?
+                       (recenter))))))
hunk ./emms-browser.el 631
+;(defun emms


[update emms-cache.el commentary
Damien Elmes <address@hidden>**20060609064935] 
[emms-player-mpd: Add functionality to dump MusicPD data into the EMMS cache.  
This allows for easy integration with emms-browser.el.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060609043831] 
[emms-player-mpd: Rename volume functions to better match the namespace created 
by emms-volume.el.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060609043643] 
[emms-player-mpd: Fix minor bug when importing the current MusicPD playlist 
into EMMS.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060609043538] 
[emms-setup: Get rid of pointless compiler warning.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060609042002] 
[emms-cache: Small compiler fix.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060609041606] 
[emms-cache: Add standard enable/disable/toggle interface and do a docfix for 
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060609040108] 
[Standardize copyright notices.  Add COPYING file.  Mention license in README.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060608194123] 
[Fix compiler warnings in emms-cache.el.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060608184612] 
[emms-metaplaylist-mode: Fix bug introduced by the recent emms-playlist-mode 
overhaul.  Add faces for light backgrounds.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060608143846] 
[NEWS is new
[emms-playlist-mode: Facify tracks on startup.
[refactor browser mode creation code
Damien Elmes <address@hidden>**20060608123618
 - make the rendering function (browse-by-artist, etc) responsible for
   the mode name
 - fix a bug where the wrong buffer is used
[browser sorting, and bug fixes
Damien Elmes <address@hidden>**20060608105253
 - sort tracks when they're added to the playlist
 - fix a bug where we didn't uniquify the buffer
 - distinguish between files and urls
 - modify emms-playlist-sort to accept an optional region
[update modeline when changing browsing method
Damien Elmes <address@hidden>**20060608094037] 
[avoid rebuilding the browser window each time
Damien Elmes <address@hidden>**20060608092623] 
[fix RET on trailing \n
Damien Elmes <address@hidden>**20060608090703
 \n isn't propertized which means hitting RET on a playlist or browser
 entry fails. this patch moves the point before trying to read the
[add a metadata browser - emms-browser.el
Damien Elmes <address@hidden>**20060608084400
 * preliminary work on a metadata browser - still alpha, but it's
   useable for me
 * also updated my email address in emms-cache.el (whoops)
[small typo fix
Damien Elmes <address@hidden>**20060608032546] 
[emms.el: Change directory to / before starting the player.
[emms-playlist-mode: When making new overlays, do not allow the rear to 
advance.  This prevents some display issues.  If we really need to modify the 
text there, we should be using (insert-before-markers).
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060607215212] 
[Make emms-property-region bulletproof.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060607215113] 
[Fix typo in emms-property-region
[emms.el, simplified emms-property-region considerably.
[Very basic support for recording the time you last played a track.
 * emms-last-played.el: New file.
   Nothing fancy right now, more to come soon.
 * emms-setup.el: emms-devel now requires and setups emms-last-played.
[Mark the cache as dirty for each modification.
[emms.el: The currently playing marker now should stay where it is, even for 
[emms-playlist-mode: Stop overlay from being attached to text inserted before it
[fix damien elmes's email address
Damien Elmes <address@hidden>**20060607154000] 
[emms sources now switch add/play behavior when a prefix argument is supplied.
[Add autoloads to emms-setup.el
[Typo, defvar => defcustom for emms-cache-set-function
[Cleaned up the cached code in emms.el a bit
[refactor caching code into emms-cache.el
Damien Elmes <address@hidden>**20060607125345
 * caching support is now provided via two function vars in emms.el,
   emms-cache-get-function and emms-cache-set-function
 * (emms-standard) or above will enable caching support
 * you'll need to remove .emms-cache or s/emms-info-cache/emms-cache-db/
[emms-info: Fix bug that occurs after clearing the current playlist and trying 
to re-add songs to it.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060606144439] 
[emms-playlist-mode doesn't need overlay compatibility anymore
[emms-playlist-mode.el - now with less overlay!
[AUTHORS: fixed Lucas' e-mail address
[AUTHORS: Damien Elmes address updated
Damien Elmes <address@hidden>**20060605163339
 * mark the info cache as dirty when it's modified, so we don't have to
   write it out all the time
 * save the cache as mule-utf-8 - comments? i'm not sure if this is
[emms-info caching (thanks to Damien Elmes)
[Sort file names from `emms-source-file-directory-tree-function'.
[Add some sources for inserting playlists without inserting their contents, and 
likewise for directories of playlist files.  Exclude some files and directories 
from being added when walking directories.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060604195602] 
[emms-player-mpd: Differentiate between files and URLs when it makes sense to 
do so.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060604195449] 
[Miscellaneous minor cleanups.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060604195311] 
[Make sure we never have an empty track description when inserting a song into 
a playlist buffer.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060604194940] 
[Remove debian-extras package as requested by ftpmasters (debian)
[Put volume options in their own customize group.
Martin Schoenmakers <address@hidden>**20060601193853
 Added a separate emms-volume group for customize and put things there instead
 of in the main thing.
[Make handling of multiple playlist buffers less error-prone.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060531203810] 
[emms-volume.el: Cosmetic stuff, defvar -> defcustom
[emms-volume.el: Minor cosmetic cleanup
[emms-volme.el: Add some requires.
[emms-volume-amixer.el: Provide a way to set the control for amixer
[AUTHORS: Add Martin Schoenmakers. Welcome! :-)
[Add emms-volume and emms-volume-amixer.
Martin Schoenmakers <address@hidden>**20060530223500
 New files: emms-volume.el provides some general volume changing things,
 including a minor mode to more easily change volume when not in the
 EMMS buffer. emms-volume-amixer.el is a backend using amixer.
[emms-streams: Re-add space after prompt and use completion for type.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060530190620] 
[emms-streams: When the user wants emms-streams to play the selected stream 
instead of add it, create our own playlist buffer.  When quitting, if we own 
the current playlist buffer, kill it.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060530144243] 
[allow nonzero ogginfo exit plus some reindenting
Martin Schoenmakers <address@hidden>**20060530130411
 When ogginfo gave a nonzero value on exit, any valid data would get tossed
 if there was any. This prevented emms from showing info for files that are
 tagged but a bit odd.
 Also reindented emms-info-ogginfo accordingly, which incidentally removed
 some tabs in favour of spaces.
[emms-streams: Re-implement yank and kill so that they do the right thing with 
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060530045429] 
[emms-streams: Implement kill and yank.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060530040114] 
[emms-streams: Make hitting RET on a URL do the right thing, improve cursor 
movement, and mark the buffer as unmodified after performing a save.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060529030043] 
[emms-player-mpd: Make seek work correctly.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060525033120] 
[emms-player-mpd: Use more robust method of detecting whether we need to 
force-feed MusicPD our playlist.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060525014253] 
[emms-playlist-mode: Make "d" kill the entire line.  This seems to be a good 
compromise of those who use C-k and those who want more standard object-killing 
[emms-player-mpd: When showing the currently-playing song, prepend the name of 
the radio station, if it exists.
[emms-player-mpd: Fix bug that caused unconditional reloading of the entire 
MusicPD playlist whenever the track was changed manually.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060524061655] 
[emms-player-mpd: Overhaul for streamlist support, and fix a few miscellaneous 
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060524055707] 
[emms-player-mpd: Add a few checks to make sure that the given buffer exists 
before trying to do anything with it.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060517035419] 
[emms-source-playlist: Do not expand names of files in playlists, as this can 
cause problems with emms-player-mpd in some configurations.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060516081257] 
[emms-playlist-mode: Implement the option (disabled by default) of opening a 
new EMMS buffer for a playlist, when hitting RET on one.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20060510040730] 
[emms-playlist-mode.el: Don't put a period after the mode map. This hangs 21.4 
on display.
[TAG 2.0
Patch bundle hash:

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