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Re: Two very small bugs and a wish list

From: Titus Müller
Subject: Re: Two very small bugs and a wish list
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2023 18:03:17 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.6; emacs 29.1

That's perfect! Your function my-emms-play-playlist does exactly what I need. I 
now have a list of all my playlists to load one from, and I don't need to go 
through directories to get there. Thank you, Yoni.

----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht vom 18.12.2023 -----
> Titus Müller <mail@titusmueller.de> writes:
>> (1) I would love to have an emms-playlist-default-directory I can set,
>> so when I do emms-play-playlist, I do not have to change directory
>> from my overall music collection (which I set as
>> emms-source-file-default-directory) to the playlist directory.
> Some clarification needed: is it the case that you have a separate
> directory where you keep all of your playlists, and you want
> `emms-add-playlist' to default to there instead of
> `emms-source-file-default-directory'?
> Would it be the same as this?
>     (defun my-emms-play-playlist (file)
>       (interactive (list (read-file-name "Playlist file: " 
> "/home/titus/music/playlists/")))
>       (emms-play-playlist file))

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