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Re: [PATCH] Add a source for beets library databases

From: Ian Eure
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Add a source for beets library databases
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2023 16:54:38 -0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.13; emacs 28.2

Yoni Rabkin <yoni@rabkins.net> writes:

Daniel Semyonov <daniel@dsemy.com> writes:

Attached is a patch which adds a source which reads a beets library
database using Emacs' built-in SQLite support.

Does beets provide a stable api to access its SQL database directly?

Depends on your definition of stable API. The CLI tooling is (as far as I know) stable. I believe the dbcore package of the Beets source is the only official implementation of the lower-level database access mechanism. Since beets is written in Python, I don’t think that’s helpful for EMMS.

Can a future (or old) version of beets on someone's machine break the Emms code by having tables in different place or different keys?

I think the schema is fairly stable at this point, but both situations are possible. It doesn’t appear to have any explicit versioning, but the classes representing things stored in the DB will update the schema when appropriate -- look for _make_table functions in dbcore/db.py.

If beets is built to expect other programs to access its database directly then this would work.

Beets uses SQLite, which doesn’t support concurrent access at all, even read-only. In practice, this isn’t much of a problem, because beets is run infrequently, like when you want to add new music.

There are workarounds, such as copying the database or hard linking it, both of which defeat SQLite’s locking mechanism. Though hard linking isn’t portable to non-unix-like platforms, and is fairly dangerous -- defeating the locking means that if either EMMS or Beets writes to the .sqlite3 file, the other accessor will likely blow up.

Otherwise, I'm unsure of how the beets code may react to something altering the contents of its SQL tables behind its back. You also don't want Emms to break beets by editing its tables in a way that version of
beets isn't expecting.

Does it make more sense to either:

* Use the "official" beets interface to access the contents of the
     database instead.

Since Beets is written in Python, I’m not sure how this would work -- are you thinking that EMMS would execute `beets ls' type commands and format the output in a way it can consume? Due to the wide variety of weird band / song titles, this seems like an approach that’s likely to be unreliable for music with names in any non-Latin character set.

If beets had a way to format results as JSON, that might be a middle ground. It doesn’t appear to, but upstream may be open to the idea -- though it would set a (very recent) lower bound on the supported Beets version.

* Use the SQLite support in Emacs to import/update an Emms SQL database from the beets one. This mirroring will mean that the beets database can change, or even go away, and the Emms database
     will remain.

This second option is effectively equivallent to Emms implementing
     its cache in SQLite.

Can you speak to these issues?

Personally, I would recommend the second approach, as it seems straightforward to implement & wouldn’t require invasive changes to EMMS to support. And I’d think that accessing a SQLite database like that would be significantly faster than scanning all the files in the library.

Side note, I’ve come to appreciate how EIEIO lets Emacs Lisp programs easily add/change implementations of an interface, and this seems like a good match for some of EMMS’s needs. It would be a biggish / BC breaking change, but have you considered porting the player backend stuff to a system like that?

 — Ian

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