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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Planner and Muse

From: Jody Klymak
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Planner and Muse
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 13:18:19 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.110002 (No Gnus v0.2) Emacs/21.3.50 (darwin)

Hi Sacha,

Sacha Chua <address@hidden> writes:

> - Implicit links with WikiWords instead of [[WikiWords]] might not be
>   supported. (Yay! No more having to <nop> all over the place!) I'll
>   write a migrate function to help you convert all of your WikiWords
>   links to [[WikiWords]].

Not that I really get a vote, but, I'd vote against this.  I sure have
a lot more WikiWords than <nop>WikiWords<\nop>.  In fact, infinitely
more.  How often do people really have to <nop> CamelCase text?

Cheers,  Jody

Jody Klymak      http://opg1.ucsd.edu/~jklymak/

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