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EmacsNYC Online - November 2020 Lightning Talks

From: Eric J Collins
Subject: EmacsNYC Online - November 2020 Lightning Talks
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2020 00:41:05 -0400
User-agent: mu4e 1.2.0; emacs 26.3

Post: https://emacsnyc.org/2020/10/13/monthly-online-meetup-lightning-talks.html

Meetup Post: https://www.meetup.com/New-York-Emacs-Meetup/events/273416907/

On November 2nd 2020, we'll be hosting lightning talks online for people with a 
love of Emacs and Emacs adjacent things.

Have a subject you feel passionate about? Preparing something for EmacsConf 
2020? Have a need to let people know why they're wrong about some package and 
should use another one? Or just want to practice giving a talk?

We want to hear it! Please be sure to sign up!

If you're just looking to hear the talks, please join us! We're a friendly 
group of lambda enthusiasts that are always excited to have more people join us.

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