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2015-12-14 Emacs News

From: Sacha Chua
Subject: 2015-12-14 Emacs News
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2015 14:18:16 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.1.50 (gnu/linux)

- Configuration:
  - [Magnar's collection of defuns]
  - [ocodo's collection of defuns]
  - [Making My Emacs Start Faster | Hacker News]
    (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10697849): emacsclient, lazy
    loading, dumping; also on [Reddit]
  - [Vertical Minibuffer list]
  - [Spacemacs for Emacs users?]
- Coding:
  - [Magit key commands changed?]
    Good explanation of change
  - [Is there anything like tagbar for Emacs/Spacemacs?]
  - [Omnisharp extension to emacs]
  - [evil-nerd-commenter v2.2]
  - [What mode(s) should I use for Java?]
  - [emacs one day - YouTube]
    (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eln2dXiiZqs) (2:35)
- Org Mode:
  - [Org-mode basics VII: A TODO list with schedules and deadlines]
  - [Reading offline in batch mode with Org Mode]
  - [Storing a collection of web bookmarks with Org Mode]
  - [fniessen/org-html-themes]
    (https://github.com/fniessen/org-html-themes): Pretty themes for
    exporting HTML
- Other:
  - ["How did I get here" - command]
  - [Drawille library in elisp: graphics with text using braille
  - [Counting sentences] (http://mbork.pl/2015-12-12_Counting_sentences)
  - [Ivy-mode 0.7.0 is out] (http://oremacs.com/2015/12/07/ivy-0.7.0/)
  - [Moving from mu4e to gnus?]
  - [Marking Emacs chat buffers as read (erc, jabber, etc)]
  - [Emacs Chat: John Wiegley on maintaining Emacs and how you can help]
    (summary on [Irreal] (http://irreal.org/blog/?p=4789), discussion on
  - [An improved Firefox controller for Emacs]
- A few recent EmacsWiki changes:
  - [Python programming in Emacs]
    (http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/PythonProgrammingInEmacs): Added
    anaconda-mode, updated [Indenting Python]
  - [User groups] (http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Usergroups): Added
    Denver Emacs meetup
  - [Tramp mode] (http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/TrampMode): Added plink
    with keyfile without pageant
- emacs-devel discussions:
  - [What would be the best screenshot of Emacs for the homepage?]
    Might be a good idea to have a gallery...
  - [Visual lines and keyboard macro performance]
  - [Autoloads and MD5sums]
  - [builds are getting slower?]
  - [UP and DOWN with multi-line minibuffer history]
  - [Switch to Automake?]
  - [Emacs website updates]
- New packages:
  - company-sourcekit <http://melpa.org/#/company-sourcekit>:
    company-mode completion backend for SourceKit
  - dired-filetype-face <http://melpa.org/#/dired-filetype-face>: Set
    different faces for different filetypes in dired
  - dmenu <http://melpa.org/#/dmenu>: use ido to simulate the dmenu
    command line program
  - drawille <http://melpa.org/#/drawille>: Drawille implementation in
  - firefox-controller <http://melpa.org/#/firefox-controller>: An
    improved Firefox controller
  - fxrd-mode <http://melpa.org/#/fxrd-mode>: Major mode for editing
    fixed field width files
  - golden-ratio-scroll-screen
    <http://melpa.org/#/golden-ratio-scroll-screen>: Scroll half screen
    down or up, and highlight current line
  - idea-darkula-theme <http://melpa.org/#/idea-darkula-theme>: Color
    theme based on IntelliJ IDEA Darkula color theme
  - minizinc-mode <http://melpa.org/#/minizinc-mode>: Major mode for
    MiniZinc code
  - org-iv <http://melpa.org/#/org-iv>: a tool used to view html (in
    browser) generated by org-file once the org-file changes
  - slack <http://melpa.org/#/slack>: Slack client for Emacs
  - sourcekit <http://melpa.org/#/sourcekit>: Library to interact with

Links from [reddit.com/r/emacs] (http://reddit.com/r/emacs/new),
[/r/orgmode] (http://reddit.com/r/orgmode), [Hacker News]
[planet.emacsen.org] (http://planet.emacsen.org), [Youtube]
the [Emacs commit log]
(http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs.git/log/?showmsg=1), the changes
to the [Emacs NEWS file]
(http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs.git/log/etc/NEWS), and
[emacs-devel] (http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2015-12).

[Past Emacs News round-ups]

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