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Re: Please consider using highlightening in occur-mode-display-occurrenc

From: Matzi Kratzi
Subject: Re: Please consider using highlightening in occur-mode-display-occurrence
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 07:09:19 +0100

Stefan Monnier asked me if I had used hl-line-mode in the occur buffers.

I think Juri got what I meant: I think the corresponding location in
the "source" buffer is not marked enough. A behaviour like grep where
there location is temporarily highlighted is nice. (But there you end
up in the source buffer, and I would like to be able to stay in the
*occur* or the *grep* buffer.)


On 3/11/07, Juri Linkov <address@hidden> wrote:
> When using occur, I just found out that there was a command
> occur-mode-display-occurrence (C-o) that let me stay in the
> *occur*-buffer. Nice!
> Wouldn't it be a good idea to highlight the occurrence, at least
> temporarily, instead of just putting the not-so-easily-seen point on
> it?

Obviously, occur should be extended with more features already available
in grep buffers.  And one of them is using the next-error face to
highlight matches in the source buffer.  Sadly, now is the wrong time
to add these features.  (I also have tons of other improvements patiently
waiting for the feature unfreeze.)

Juri Linkov

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