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RE: org-babel-execute-src-block filters characters from :session *shell*

From: Cook, Malcolm
Subject: RE: org-babel-execute-src-block filters characters from :session *shell* output
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 22:40:18 +0000

>>>TL;DR: It is complicated. When we pull one string out, several more
>>>get entangled.
>> Might there be a solution wherein both the interactive shell buffer and Org 
>> are talking to a common underlying process? I would expect such to be 
>> significantly more complicated, but perhaps better factored? Not that I'm 
>> offering or capable of such a re-write 😉
>comint buffer is doing exactly this - it is sending input (user
>comments) to the underlying shell process and receiving the output from
>that process, putting it back into the comit buffer.
>Unfortunately, there is no simple way to distinguish real output, shell
>echoing the submitted command, and shell prompt - shells do not provide
>any such information. The best they can provide is splitting between
>stdout and stderr. Alas.
>>>As a practical workaround, just do not use *shell* session names and
>>>session names that are the same as shell buffers you create manually.
>> Is there perhaps another practical workaround you might suggest to me 
>> involving a more intentional setting of the prompt and/or informing Org of 
>> my choice of prompt (e.g. perhaps via setting a regexp to detect exactly my 
>> prompt, and only when it is anchored to beginning of line)?
>That's also an option.
>What you need to fiddle with is `comint-prompt-regexp'.


Since my (bash) shell prompt is a (more or less) constant string (e.g. 
"myname@myhost> ").

So, my workaround is to:

    (setq comint-prompt-regexp "myname@myhost> ")

Then the filtering works perfectly.

Of course if I change my name, this will fail.  Or, more likely, connect to a 
different host within the shell.

Or if I change PS1 😉

It would be useful to automate this a little.

The variable needs to be set buffer-local to the shell buffer.

And it could possibly somehow ask the process for the value of PS1.

Any more TIPS on doing this?

Or perhaps advice that I shouldn't want to ...??? 😉


~ Malcolm

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