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Re: Pending contents in org documents (Re: Asynchronous blocks for every

From: Bruno Barbier
Subject: Re: Pending contents in org documents (Re: Asynchronous blocks for everything (was Re: ...))
Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 18:31:15 +0200

Hi Ihor,

Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> writes:

> Bruno Barbier <brubar.cs@gmail.com> writes:
>> I've pushed the modification to my branch.
> Thanks! Let's work further on the top comment.
>> ;; To lock a region, you need to do something like this:
> I think "something like this" can be just dropped.

Sorry, I'm failing to find a simpler accurate sentence.

>> ;;    1. Call the function `org-pending' with the region to lock; use
>> ;;       the ON-OUTCOME argument to tell Emacs how to update the
>> ;;       region.  Keep the returned REGLOCK (you'll need it to send
>> ;;       updates).
> It would be nice to provide examples of `org-pending' call right in the
> top comment. Ideally, the example should also show how to modify REGLOCK
> fields to customize its behaviour.

I added an example below the 2 steps.

>> ;;    2. Start "something" that computes the new content.  That
>> ;;       "something" may be a thread, a timer, a notification, a
>> ;;       process, etc.  That "something" must eventually send a
>> ;;       :success or :failure message (using
>> ;;       `org-pending-send-update'): Emacs will update the pending
>> ;;       region (using your ON-OUTCOME) and unlock it; at this point
>> ;;       the lock is "dead" (not live-p).
> Please also add information about sending updates to the REGLOCK, with
> examples. Otherwise, "receiving progress" in the next section is
> surprising.

Done in the example too.

>> ... (not live-p)
> Please name `org-pending-reglock-live-p' - it is more clear than forcing
> the readers search it themselves.


>> ;;;; Interface provided to the Emacs user
>> ;;
>> ;; The library makes locks visible to the user using text properties
>> ;; and/or overlays.  It diplays and updates the status while the
>> ;; region is locked: the initial status is "scheduled", then, when
> It would be nice to name `org-pending-reglock-status' here and use the
> actual status values - :scheduled, :pending, :success, :failure.
> Ideally, in table/list explaining what happens with buffer text,
> overlays, and user interaction, when REGLOCK has each of the listed
> status values.

I added a table describing the possible status values, the valid
updates, etc in the section above.

>> ;; receiving progress it becomes "pending" (with progress information
>> ;; if any).  Emacs allows to diplay a description of the lock.  From
>> ;; that description, the user may request to cancel that lock; see the
>> ;; field `user-cancel-function' of the REGLOCK object if you need to
>> ;; customize what to do on cancel.
> It is not very clear how user can interact with "description".
> Is it a  tooltip? A window? Something else? Please give a bit more details.

I added that it's like the function `describe-package'.

> Also, when "cancel" is requested, it is a good idea to state that
> `user-cancel-function' is called and describe what it does by default.

The function `user-cancel-function' is not always called; Emacs will
only call it if the lock is still live (see `org-pending-cancel').

I added a short sentence describing what is done by default (the
documentation of the field `user-cancel-function' of the reglock
object already fully document `user-cancel-function').

>> ;; When receiving the outcome (success or failure), after unlocking
>> ;; the region, the library may leave information about the outcome
> "may"?? Or does it always leave the information (by default)?

To mark the outcome, org-pending needs to know where it is.  If the
ON-OUTCOME function (see `org-pending` documentation) returns the
outcome region, org-pending will add a mark, else not.  By default,
ON-OUTCOME is nil, meaning no outcome region and no outcome marks.  I
added a sentence about that.

>> ;; (using text properties/overlays).  If that outcome information is
>> ;; (still) displayed, Emacs allows to display a description of that
>> ;; lock.  From that description, the user may decide to "forget" that
>> ;; lock; "forgetting the lock" removes the outcome visual marks, and,
> Is "forgetting" customizeable like `user-cancel-function'?


>> ;; it allows Emacs to discard any information related to this lock.
> What does it mean?

Emacs is free to delete any data related to this lock.  This lock will
not be available anywhere anymore for the user. Concretely, this lock
is remove from the list of known locks, and, eventually, Emacs should
hopefully garbage collect the related data.

>> ;; The description of a lock (live or dead) provides information like
>> ;; the schedule time, the duration, the outcome time, the result (in
>> ;; case of success), the error (in case of failure), etc.  Customize
>> ;; the field `insert-details-function' of REGLOCK object to add your
>> ;; own information.
> Please show an example how to do it here.


>> ;; If the user kills a buffer, or, kills Emacs, some locks may have to
>> ;; be killed too be killed too.  The library will ask the user to
>      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> typo


>> ;; confirm if an operation requires to kill some locks.  See the field
>> ;; `before-kill-function' of REGLOCK object, if you need to do
>> ;; something before a lock is really killed.
> Again, an example would be helpful.


I've pushed the update to my public branch.


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