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Bug: org-capture does not work if called from minibuffer (Org mode versi

From: Cletip Cletip
Subject: Bug: org-capture does not work if called from minibuffer (Org mode version 9.6.10 (9.6.10-n/a-g902975)
Date: Fri, 17 May 2024 20:27:14 -0300


It's almost the same as described here: https://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2020-12/msg00199.html. BUT, this only comes into play in the following case:

Suppose you want to complete an org-capture template with this: “%^{Title}”.
When you call this capture, the minibuffer allows you to select the title (in the minibuffer). But, if you want to capture "from" this minibuffer, it crashes org-capture with the error (just after the choice of the second template) : 
org-capture: Capture template 'u': Can't expand minibuffer to full frame.

Concrete use case: capturing an org-roam node (and complete the title), trying to insert a node that doesn't yet exist (and therefore reopening org-capture) in the title of the first capture process.

Thank you in advance for your reply.

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