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Re: Docstrings and literate programming (good practices?)

From: Ihor Radchenko
Subject: Re: Docstrings and literate programming (good practices?)
Date: Thu, 03 Nov 2022 07:38:46 +0000

Juan Manuel Macías <maciaschain@posteo.net> writes:

>> Can you elaborate about "paragraph is exported as verbatim"?
> Sorry for the conciseness in my previous explanation. I meant something
> like this:
> : foo
> is exported to LaTeX as
> \begin{verbatim}
> foo
> \end{verbatim}
> (and what i want is for it to be exported as 'normal text').

You can just

#+name: foo

that will be exported with all the markup.

> By the way, thinking about it, I don't know if a hypothetical header arg
> called :docstring would be ok, something like:
> #+NAME: foo
> blah
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :docstring foo
> (defun foo ()
> (message "hello world"))
> #+end_src
> And the docstring would be formatted and placed depending on the
> language and the code (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Docstring).

That's asking for too much. Supporting :docstring header argument in
such form will require babel backends to parse the code, which may not
be trivial. Or consider odd cases with polymorphic functions with the
same name.

However, note one past feature request about escaping text in noweb

Sébastien Miquel <sebastien.miquel@posteo.eu> (2021-05-03) (2021 
emacs-orgmode.gnu.org maillist nolist)
Subject: [Feature request] String escaped noweb expansion

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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