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Re: git branch rename and git config q

From: Samuel Wales
Subject: Re: git branch rename and git config q
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2022 17:16:19 -0700

p.s. than k you for the faq link.  did not understand the wording re
the makefile stuff re wehther relevant.  the point about my patches
being semantically wrong in principle is a good one but any solution
other than submitting my patches and having them accepted would have
the same problem i thik.  undoing merge turnkey good.

On 6/8/22, Samuel Wales <samologist@gmail.com> wrote:
> i /might/ have gotten it fixed.  will have to confirm when can.
> takes me time to do things so i have drafts, but it sounds like this
> by max is a shortened version, so i tried it:
> vvv
> I have not tested the following commands
>     git remote set-url origin
> https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/org-mode.git
>     git branch --set-upstream-to=bugfix local
>     git fetch
> ^^^
> i assume that this is an untested script for doing what i want.  the
> fact that it is turnkey is a huge boon because my cognition and
> ability to use computers lmited and have consequences.  looks a bit
> like a yes to my op q viz. can i do this?
> i greatly appreciate the help from all contributors in addition, even
> if not understand all of it or can't do parts.
> the upgrade to recent org might be needed for any fix to the needed
> org-capture extension so if this works it is good.
> so what i did was run those 3 commands [one does not work] and edit
> config manually and pull.  here is a transcript plus my complete
> config.  i will have to reproduce using my shell pull so i can get the
> diff.  cannot do now but cp etc.
> i find editing the config manually more straightforward than running a
> command to edit it.
> i THINK this worked.  i had to figure out a trivial guess at what to
> do to fix maint branch.  on clean local branch.  transcript:
> vvv
> 08-Wed-16-06-47 ...$ cp -a org-mode--my-maint--ok-to-pull
> TEST-branch-rename--org-mode--my-maint--ok-to-pull
> cd TEST-branch-rename--org-mode--my-maint--ok-to-pull/
> 08-Wed-16-07-25 ...$ 08-Wed-16-07-25
> .../TEST-branch-rename--org-mode--my-maint--ok-to-pull$
> 08-Wed-16-07-36 .../TEST-branch-rename--org-mode--my-maint--ok-to-pull$
> 08-Wed-16-07-36
> .../TEST-branch-rename--org-mode--my-maint--ok-to-pull$     git remote
> set-url origin https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/org-mode.git
> 08-Wed-16-07-48
> .../TEST-branch-rename--org-mode--my-maint--ok-to-pull$
> 08-Wed-16-07-48
> .../TEST-branch-rename--org-mode--my-maint--ok-to-pull$  git branch
> --set-upstream-to=bugfix local
> error: the requested upstream branch 'bugfix' does not exist
> hint:
> hint: If you are planning on basing your work on an upstream
> hint: branch that already exists at the remote, you may need to
> hint: run "git fetch" to retrieve it.
> hint:
> hint: If you are planning to push out a new local branch that
> hint: will track its remote counterpart, you may want to use
> hint: "git push -u" to set the upstream config as you push.
> (1) 08-Wed-16-07-58
> .../TEST-branch-rename--org-mode--my-maint--ok-to-pull$ git fetch
> remote: Counting objects: 4972, done.
> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1487/1487), done.
> remote: Total 4972 (delta 3897), reused 4531 (delta 3485)
> Receiving objects: 100% (4972/4972), 2.51 MiB | 3.19 MiB/s, done.
> Resolving deltas: 100% (3897/3897), completed with 310 local objects.
> From https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/org-mode
>  * [new branch]          bugfix        -> origin/bugfix
>    dd9105d17..1466950c7  emacs-sync    -> origin/emacs-sync
>  * [new branch]          main          -> origin/main
>  * [new tag]             release_9.5.4 -> release_9.5.4
>  * [new tag]             release_9.5   -> release_9.5
>  * [new tag]             release_9.5.1 -> release_9.5.1
>  * [new tag]             release_9.5.2 -> release_9.5.2
>  * [new tag]             release_9.5.3 -> release_9.5.3
> 08-Wed-16-08-59
> .../TEST-branch-rename--org-mode--my-maint--ok-to-pull$ git branch
> --set-upstream-to=bugfix local
> error: the requested upstream branch 'bugfix' does not exist
> hint:
> hint: If you are planning on basing your work on an upstream
> hint: branch that already exists at the remote, you may need to
> hint: run "git fetch" to retrieve it.
> hint:
> hint: If you are planning to push out a new local branch that
> hint: will track its remote counterpart, you may want to use
> hint: "git push -u" to set the upstream config as you push.
> (1) 08-Wed-16-09-17
> .../TEST-branch-rename--org-mode--my-maint--ok-to-pull$ git branch
> --set-upstream-to=bugfix local
> error: the requested upstream branch 'bugfix' does not exist
> hint:
> hint: If you are planning on basing your work on an upstream
> hint: branch that already exists at the remote, you may need to
> hint: run "git fetch" to retrieve it.
> hint:
> hint: If you are planning to push out a new local branch that
> hint: will track its remote counterpart, you may want to use
> hint: "git push -u" to set the upstream config as you push.
> (1) 08-Wed-16-11-52
> .../TEST-branch-rename--org-mode--my-maint--ok-to-pull$ git pull
> First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
> Applying: === alpha agenda mark ring push
> Applying: === alpha make agenda display inactive timestamp lines with a new
> face
> Applying: === alpha location of time span annotation
> Applying: === alpha kludge -- put a newline when editing babel source
> blocks
> Applying: === alpha agenda -- add event, remove colons and spaces, add
> comment re ts feature
> Applying: === alpha location of possible header insertion so it can be
> made varibale pitch
> Applying: === alpha remove the parens from ido completion of olpaths
> Applying: === alpha comment and change active ts = event change
> Applying: === alpha =maybe try to move nokori to today or move by
> days, not just one
> 08-Wed-16-12-03 .../TEST-branch-rename--org-mode--my-maint--ok-to-pull$
> ^^^
> notice that it rebased my patches all by itself.  [at least this
> time.]  not sure if dangerous my case; wfm; i do not push.  i do not
> get what gets dangerously rewritten.  my patches get merge conflicts.
> org patches are presumably not rewritten.
> merge conflicts instill rational fear but that is not avoidable here.
> and did not even occur for such a huge upgrade.
> uf you are curious about my patches please ask.  some are mere guesses
> at locations to do things that i am ot capable of.  some are ueful
> tiny changes.  not fsf signed.  have contributed tinychanes.
> config:
> [after manual editing]
> vvv
> [core]
>       repositoryformatversion = 0
>       filemode = true
>       bare = false
>       logallrefupdates = true
>       ignorecase = true
> [remote "origin"]
>         # https://code.orgmode.org https://savannah.nongnu.org
> https://sr.ht
>       url = https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/org-mode.git
>         # url = git://orgmode.org/org-mode.git
>         #cz is 1h behind orgmode.org -- either should work
>         #     url = git://repo.or.cz/org-mode.git
>       fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
> [branch "master"]
>       remote = origin
>       merge = refs/heads/master
> [branch "local"]
>       rebase = true
>       remote = origin
>       merge = refs/heads/bugfix
>       # merge = refs/heads/master
> [branch "testrelease"]
>         # fixme idk why i have this branch and can maybe del it
>       remote = origin
>       merge = refs/heads/maint
> [branch "maint"]
>       remote = origin
>       merge = refs/heads/maint
> [diff]
> ^^^
> --
> The Kafka Pandemic
> A blog about science, health, human rights, and misopathy:
> https://thekafkapandemic.blogspot.com

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