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inconsistent behavior for completion of links inside [[ ]]

From: Majzoub, Eric
Subject: inconsistent behavior for completion of links inside [[ ]]
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2022 14:34:16 +0000
User-agent: Evolution 3.40.4-1ubuntu2

emacs: 29.0.50 build 7
org: 9.6-gcbe3f2 snapshot from 20220402
I use company for completion.

The issue is very simple to reproduce. Open a new .org file and
input (for example)


and see if an auto-complete menu pops up.

Do this both INSIDE your org-directory and OUTSIDE your org-directory.
For me this fails inside my org-directory (at any depth within ~/org).

The output of "C-h m" is:

Enabled minor modes: All-The-Icons-Completion All-The-Icons-Ibuffer
Async-Bytecomp-Package Auto-Composition Auto-Compression
Auto-Encryption Blink-Cursor Column-Number Company Company-Posframe
Diredfl-Global Display-Time Doom-Modeline Electric-Indent
Electric-Pair File-Name-Shadow Flyspell Font-Lock Global-Company
Global-Eldoc Global-Font-Lock Global-Tab-Line Line-Number Menu-Bar
Mouse-Wheel Org-Appear Org-Bullets Org-Indent Org-Remark
Org-Remark-Global-Tracking Org-Roam-Db-Autosync Override-Global
Pdf-Occur-Global Prescient-Persist Projectile Rainbow-Delimiters
Recentf Selectrum Selectrum-Prescient Shell-Dirtrack Show-Paren
Spell-Fu Tab-Bar Tab-Line Toc-Org Tooltip Transient-Mark Visual-Line
Which-Key Yas Yas-Global

1. If I try to auto-complete "/home/" without the "[[ ]]" then
completion works fine.

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