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Re: org-persist warning when archiving

From: Ihor Radchenko
Subject: Re: org-persist warning when archiving
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2021 19:23:54 +0800

Colin Baxter 😺 <m43cap@yandex.com> writes:

>     > Hello, Whenever I archive a DONE item via 'C-c C-x C-a' I get the
>     > warning:
>     > Warning (emacs): org-element--cache: Unregistered buffer
>     > modifications detected. Resetting.
>     > The archiving is successful, but I keep getting the warning and
>     > therefore wonder if there is some org-persist or cache setting
>     > that needs to be adjusted.
> Thinking a little more about this, I have not yet had a chance of
> archiving an item in a new emacs session. It may be that the warning
> is temporary to the first session and will disappear if and when I
> archive a DONE item in a new session.

This message always indicates some problem. However, I cannot reproduce
what you observe on my side. Did you try with emacs -Q? Also, you might
not be running the latest Org. I have extended this warning in recent

My crystal ball tells me that the attached patch might help. Can you try


>From da1e23bd1d8aaa673d034b288a6088868fe8abb7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2021 19:19:57 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] org.el/org-mode: Do not inhibit `after-change-functions' when

* lisp/org.el (org-mode): Let-bind `buffer-undo-list' instead of using
`org-unmodified'.  The latter suppresses org-element-cache handling of
buffer changes.
 lisp/org.el | 32 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 69ff7a8d4..a20be7aac 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -4672,22 +4672,22 @@ (define-derived-mode org-mode outline-mode "Org"
             (= (point-min) (point-max)))
     (insert "#    -*- mode: org -*-\n\n"))
   (unless org-inhibit-startup
-    (org-unmodified
-     (when org-startup-with-beamer-mode (org-beamer-mode))
-     (when (or org-startup-align-all-tables org-startup-shrink-all-tables)
-       (org-table-map-tables
-       (cond ((and org-startup-align-all-tables
-                   org-startup-shrink-all-tables)
-              (lambda () (org-table-align) (org-table-shrink)))
-             (org-startup-align-all-tables #'org-table-align)
-             (t #'org-table-shrink))
-       t))
-     (when org-startup-with-inline-images (org-display-inline-images))
-     (when org-startup-with-latex-preview (org-latex-preview '(16)))
-     (unless org-inhibit-startup-visibility-stuff 
-     (when org-startup-truncated (setq truncate-lines t))
-     (when org-startup-numerated (require 'org-num) (org-num-mode 1))
-     (when org-startup-indented (require 'org-indent) (org-indent-mode 1))))
+    (let ((buffer-undo-list t))
+      (when org-startup-with-beamer-mode (org-beamer-mode))
+      (when (or org-startup-align-all-tables org-startup-shrink-all-tables)
+        (org-table-map-tables
+        (cond ((and org-startup-align-all-tables
+                    org-startup-shrink-all-tables)
+               (lambda () (org-table-align) (org-table-shrink)))
+              (org-startup-align-all-tables #'org-table-align)
+              (t #'org-table-shrink))
+        t))
+      (when org-startup-with-inline-images (org-display-inline-images))
+      (when org-startup-with-latex-preview (org-latex-preview '(16)))
+      (unless org-inhibit-startup-visibility-stuff 
+      (when org-startup-truncated (setq truncate-lines t))
+      (when org-startup-numerated (require 'org-num) (org-num-mode 1))
+      (when org-startup-indented (require 'org-indent) (org-indent-mode 1))))
   ;; Add a custom keymap for `visual-line-mode' so that activating
   ;; this minor mode does not override Org's keybindings.

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