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[bug] :prologue and :epilogue header arguments don't work in latex code

From: Rodrigo Morales
Subject: [bug] :prologue and :epilogue header arguments don't work in latex code blocks
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2021 06:30:30 -0500
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.14; emacs 27.1

This message can be read easier with Org Mode.

* TL; DR: The issue

I've noticed that the =:prologue= and =:epilogue= header arguments
don't work in code blocks whose language is =latex=.

I usually take notes on the =latex= programming language (this is
different than taking notes using LaTeX) and having those header
arguments would be really helpful for me and, I suppose, other
LaTeX programmers.

The following lines of this message give more detail on the issue and
more information I gathered through experimentation so that Org Mode
developers that might be interested in fixing this issue have more

* Terminology used in this message

The following two code blocks will be used to explain the issue.

#+begin_src elisp
(defun org-babel-tangle-previous-src-block-and-echo ()
  "Tangles the backward nearest source code block and print the
content of the tangled file."
     (search-backward-regexp "^[[:space:]]*#\\+begin_src\\>"))
    (let ((current-prefix-arg '(4)))
          (call-interactively 'org-babel-tangle))
    (let ((filename-tangled (shell-quote-argument (expand-file-name (cdr (assq 
:tangle (nth 2 (org-babel-get-src-block-info))))))))
      (shell-command-to-string (concat "cat " filename-tangled)))))

#+name: org-babel-tangle-previous-src-block-and-echo
#+begin_src elisp

* Languages where these header argument work

The =:prologue= and =:epilogue= header argument work in =bash= code blocks.

#+begin_src bash :tangle ~/Downloads/main.txt :prologue "echo a" :epilogue 
"echo c"
echo This is a bash code block

This is a bash code block

#+call: org-babel-tangle-previous-src-block-and-echo()

echo a
echo This is a bash code block
echo c

They also work in =python= code blocks.

#+begin_src python :tangle ~/Downloads/main.txt :prologue "print('a')" 
:epilogue "print('c')"
print('This is a python code block')

This is a python code block

#+call: org-babel-tangle-previous-src-block-and-echo()

print('This is a python code block')

They also work in =R= code blocks.

#+begin_src R :tangle ~/Downloads/main.txt :prologue "print('a')" :epilogue 
print('This is a R code block')

[1] "a"
[1] "This is a R code block"
[1] "b"

#+call: org-babel-tangle-previous-src-block-and-echo()

print('This is a R code block')

They also work in =maxima= code blocks.

#+begin_src maxima :tangle ~/Downloads/main.txt :prologue "print(\"a\");" 
:epilogue "print(\"c\");"
print("This is a maxima code block");

This is a maxima code block 

#+call: org-babel-tangle-previous-src-block-and-echo()

print("This is a maxima code block");

* Languages where these header arguments don't work

However, these header argument don't work in =latex= code blocks.

#+begin_src latex :tangle ~/Downloads/main.txt :prologue "a" :epilogue "c"
This is a latex code block

This is a latex code block

#+call: org-babel-tangle-previous-src-block-and-echo()

This is a latex code block

They also don't work in =cpp= code blocks

#+begin_src cpp :tangle ~/Downloads/main.txt :prologue "a" :epilogue "b" 
:includes "<iostream>"
std::cout << "This is a C++ code block";

This is a C++ code block

#+call: org-babel-tangle-previous-src-block-and-echo()

#include <iostream>

int main() {
std::cout << "This is a C++ code block";
return 0;

* Additional information

In 2020, the user Tim Landscheidt created a 
 in the Org Mode
mailing list asking why these header argument don't work in SQL code
blocks. In a response to this thread, the user Tom Gillespie mentioned
that he had been working in a potential solution. If anyone knows the
progress on this, I would also apppreciate some information.

Rodrigo Morales.

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