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encryption problems using org-mode

From: Colin Baxter
Subject: encryption problems using org-mode
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2021 13:38:42 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.1 (gnu/linux)


I have an encryption problem that has materialised only today. I
think it's an org-mode issue since that package is the only one I have
refreshed with a new 'pull' today

I have a symmetrically encrypted file data.org.gpg for which I have the

# Local Variables:
# eval: (sensitive-mode t)
# End:

The sensitive-mode is defined as

#+begin_src elisp
(define-minor-mode sensitive-mode
  "For sensitive files like password lists and gpg file. It disables backup 
creation and auto saving. With no argument, this command toggles the mode. 
Non-null prefix argument turns on the mode. Null prefix argument turns off the 
  ;; the initial value
  ;; the indicator for the mode line
  " Sensitive"
  ;; the minor mode bindings
  (if (symbol-value sensitive-mode)
        ;; disable backups
        (set (make-local-variable 'backup-inhibited) t)
        ;; disable auto-save
        (if auto-save-default
            (auto-save-mode -1)))
    ;; resort to default value of backup-inhibited
    (kill-local-variable 'backup-inhibited)
    ;; resort to default auto save setting
    (if auto-save-default
        (auto-save-mode 1))))

This has worked until today. Now if data.org.gpg is opened I get an

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable minor-modes)
  (sensitive-mode t)
  (eval (sensitive-mode t))
  (hack-one-local-variable eval (sensitive-mode t))
  (#f(compiled-function (&optional handle-mode) "Parse and put into effect this 
buffer's local variables spec.\nFor buffers visiting files, also puts into 
effect directory-local\nvariables.\nUses `hack-local-variables-apply' to apply 
the variables.\n\nIf HANDLE-MODE is nil, we apply all the specified 
local\nvariables.  If HANDLE-MODE is neither nil nor t, we do the same,\nexcept 
that any settings of `mode' are ignored.\n\nIf HANDLE-MODE is t, all we do is 
check whether a \"mode:\"\nis specified, and return the corresponding mode 
symbol, or nil.\nIn this case, we try to ignore minor-modes, and return only 
a\nmajor-mode.\n\nIf `enable-local-variables' or `local-enable-local-variables' 
is nil,\nthis function does nothing.  If 
`inhibit-local-variables-regexps'\napplies to the file in question, the file is 
not scanned for\nlocal variables, but directory-local variables may still be 
applied." #<bytecode -0x1335cba3>) no-mode)
  (funcall #f(compiled-function (&optional handle-mode) "Parse and put into 
effect this buffer's local variables spec.\nFor buffers visiting files, also 
puts into effect directory-local\nvariables.\nUses `hack-local-variables-apply' 
to apply the variables.\n\nIf HANDLE-MODE is nil, we apply all the specified 
local\nvariables.  If HANDLE-MODE is neither nil nor t, we do the same,\nexcept 
that any settings of `mode' are ignored.\n\nIf HANDLE-MODE is t, all we do is 
check whether a \"mode:\"\nis specified, and return the corresponding mode 
symbol, or nil.\nIn this case, we try to ignore minor-modes, and return only 
a\nmajor-mode.\n\nIf `enable-local-variables' or `local-enable-local-variables' 
is nil,\nthis function does nothing.  If 
`inhibit-local-variables-regexps'\napplies to the file in question, the file is 
not scanned for\nlocal variables, but directory-local variables may still be 
applied." #<bytecode -0x1335cba3>) no-mode)
  (with-no-warnings (funcall ad--addoit-function handle-mode))
  (setq ad-return-value (with-no-warnings (funcall ad--addoit-function 
  (let (ad-return-value) (setq ad-return-value (with-no-warnings (funcall 
ad--addoit-function handle-mode))) (when handle-mode (setq 
so-long-mode--inhibited ad-return-value)) ad-return-value)
  (ad-Advice-hack-local-variables #f(compiled-function (&optional handle-mode) 
"Parse and put into effect this buffer's local variables spec.\nFor buffers 
visiting files, also puts into effect directory-local\nvariables.\nUses 
`hack-local-variables-apply' to apply the variables.\n\nIf HANDLE-MODE is nil, 
we apply all the specified local\nvariables.  If HANDLE-MODE is neither nil nor 
t, we do the same,\nexcept that any settings of `mode' are ignored.\n\nIf 
HANDLE-MODE is t, all we do is check whether a \"mode:\"\nis specified, and 
return the corresponding mode symbol, or nil.\nIn this case, we try to ignore 
minor-modes, and return only a\nmajor-mode.\n\nIf `enable-local-variables' or 
`local-enable-local-variables' is nil,\nthis function does nothing.  If 
`inhibit-local-variables-regexps'\napplies to the file in question, the file is 
not scanned for\nlocal variables, but directory-local variables may still be 
applied." #<bytecode -0x1335cba3>) no-mode)
  (apply ad-Advice-hack-local-variables #f(compiled-function (&optional 
handle-mode) "Parse and put into effect this buffer's local variables 
spec.\nFor buffers visiting files, also puts into effect 
directory-local\nvariables.\nUses `hack-local-variables-apply' to apply the 
variables.\n\nIf HANDLE-MODE is nil, we apply all the specified 
local\nvariables.  If HANDLE-MODE is neither nil nor t, we do the same,\nexcept 
that any settings of `mode' are ignored.\n\nIf HANDLE-MODE is t, all we do is 
check whether a \"mode:\"\nis specified, and return the corresponding mode 
symbol, or nil.\nIn this case, we try to ignore minor-modes, and return only 
a\nmajor-mode.\n\nIf `enable-local-variables' or `local-enable-local-variables' 
is nil,\nthis function does nothing.  If 
`inhibit-local-variables-regexps'\napplies to the file in question, the file is 
not scanned for\nlocal variables, but directory-local variables may still be 
applied." #<bytecode -0x1335cba3>) no-mode)
  (hack-local-variables no-mode)
  (run-mode-hooks org-mode-hook)
  (set-auto-mode-0 org-mode nil)
  (#f(compiled-function (&optional keep-mode-if-same) "Select major mode 
appropriate for current buffer.\n\nTo find the right major mode, this function 
checks for a -*- mode tag\nchecks for a `mode:' entry in the Local Variables 
section of the file,\nchecks if it uses an interpreter listed in 
`interpreter-mode-alist',\nmatches the buffer beginning against 
`magic-mode-alist',\ncompares the filename against the entries in 
`auto-mode-alist',\nthen matches the buffer beginning against 
`magic-fallback-mode-alist'.\n\nIf `enable-local-variables' is nil, or if the 
file name matches\n`inhibit-local-variables-regexps', this function does not 
check\nfor any mode: tag anywhere in the file.  If 
`local-enable-local-variables'\nis nil, then the only mode: tag that can be 
relevant is a -*- one.\n\nIf the optional argument KEEP-MODE-IF-SAME is 
non-nil, then we\nset the major mode only if that would change it.  In other 
words\nwe don't actually set it to the same mode the buffer already has." 
#<bytecode -0x133408cd>) nil)
  (funcall #f(compiled-function (&optional keep-mode-if-same) "Select major 
mode appropriate for current buffer.\n\nTo find the right major mode, this 
function checks for a -*- mode tag\nchecks for a `mode:' entry in the Local 
Variables section of the file,\nchecks if it uses an interpreter listed in 
`interpreter-mode-alist',\nmatches the buffer beginning against 
`magic-mode-alist',\ncompares the filename against the entries in 
`auto-mode-alist',\nthen matches the buffer beginning against 
`magic-fallback-mode-alist'.\n\nIf `enable-local-variables' is nil, or if the 
file name matches\n`inhibit-local-variables-regexps', this function does not 
check\nfor any mode: tag anywhere in the file.  If 
`local-enable-local-variables'\nis nil, then the only mode: tag that can be 
relevant is a -*- one.\n\nIf the optional argument KEEP-MODE-IF-SAME is 
non-nil, then we\nset the major mode only if that would change it.  In other 
words\nwe don't actually set it to the same mode the buffer already has." 
#<bytecode -0x133408cd>) nil)
  (with-no-warnings (funcall ad--addoit-function keep-mode-if-same))
  (setq ad-return-value (with-no-warnings (funcall ad--addoit-function 
  (progn (setq so-long-mode--inhibited nil) (when so-long-mode-enabled 
(so-long-check-header-modes)) (setq ad-return-value (with-no-warnings (funcall 
ad--addoit-function keep-mode-if-same))) (when so-long-mode-enabled (unless 
so-long-mode--inhibited (when (and (apply 'derived-mode-p so-long-target-modes) 
(so-long-line-detected-p)) (setq so-long-original-mode major-mode) 
  (let (ad-return-value) (progn (setq so-long-mode--inhibited nil) (when 
so-long-mode-enabled (so-long-check-header-modes)) (setq ad-return-value 
(with-no-warnings (funcall ad--addoit-function keep-mode-if-same))) (when 
so-long-mode-enabled (unless so-long-mode--inhibited (when (and (apply 
'derived-mode-p so-long-target-modes) (so-long-line-detected-p)) (setq 
so-long-original-mode major-mode) (so-long-mode))))) ad-return-value)
  (ad-Advice-set-auto-mode #f(compiled-function (&optional keep-mode-if-same) 
"Select major mode appropriate for current buffer.\n\nTo find the right major 
mode, this function checks for a -*- mode tag\nchecks for a `mode:' entry in 
the Local Variables section of the file,\nchecks if it uses an interpreter 
listed in `interpreter-mode-alist',\nmatches the buffer beginning against 
`magic-mode-alist',\ncompares the filename against the entries in 
`auto-mode-alist',\nthen matches the buffer beginning against 
`magic-fallback-mode-alist'.\n\nIf `enable-local-variables' is nil, or if the 
file name matches\n`inhibit-local-variables-regexps', this function does not 
check\nfor any mode: tag anywhere in the file.  If 
`local-enable-local-variables'\nis nil, then the only mode: tag that can be 
relevant is a -*- one.\n\nIf the optional argument KEEP-MODE-IF-SAME is 
non-nil, then we\nset the major mode only if that would change it.  In other 
words\nwe don't actually set it to the same mode the buffer already has." 
#<bytecode -0x133408cd>))
  (apply ad-Advice-set-auto-mode #f(compiled-function (&optional 
keep-mode-if-same) "Select major mode appropriate for current buffer.\n\nTo 
find the right major mode, this function checks for a -*- mode tag\nchecks for 
a `mode:' entry in the Local Variables section of the file,\nchecks if it uses 
an interpreter listed in `interpreter-mode-alist',\nmatches the buffer 
beginning against `magic-mode-alist',\ncompares the filename against the 
entries in `auto-mode-alist',\nthen matches the buffer beginning against 
`magic-fallback-mode-alist'.\n\nIf `enable-local-variables' is nil, or if the 
file name matches\n`inhibit-local-variables-regexps', this function does not 
check\nfor any mode: tag anywhere in the file.  If 
`local-enable-local-variables'\nis nil, then the only mode: tag that can be 
relevant is a -*- one.\n\nIf the optional argument KEEP-MODE-IF-SAME is 
non-nil, then we\nset the major mode only if that would change it.  In other 
words\nwe don't actually set it to the same mode the buffer already has." 
#<bytecode -0x133408cd>) nil)
  (normal-mode t)
  (after-find-file nil t)
  (find-file-noselect-1 #<buffer data.org.gpg> 
"~/.emacs-files/secure/data.org.gpg" nil nil 
"~/.emacs-files/secure/data.org.gpg" (655687 2049))
  (find-file-noselect "~/.emacs-files/secure/data.org.gpg")
  (bookmark-default-handler ("data.org.gpg" (filename . 
"~/.emacs-files/secure/data.org.gpg") (front-context-string . "#+TITLE:     
Dat") (rear-context-string) (position . 1) (annotation . "Author: Colin Baxter 
<redknight@bluestar>\nDate:   ...")))
  (bookmark-handle-bookmark "data.org.gpg")
  (bookmark--jump-via "data.org.gpg" pop-to-buffer-same-window)
  (bookmark-jump "data.org.gpg")
  (funcall-interactively bookmark-bmenu-this-window)
  (call-interactively bookmark-bmenu-this-window nil nil)
  (command-execute bookmark-bmenu-this-window)

Best wishes,

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