Hi! I've been learning about the spreadsheet features of org-table and how to use them with org-babel. They're both really cool and I was happy to be able to convert a Gnumeric spreadsheet into something that I can keep in version control.
Now I have a document that consists of mutually-referential tables and source blocks. So, for example, I have table A, then table B which refers to table A, then source block C which accesses table B using a noweb reference, and finally table D which uses the output of source block C in its formulas.
I want to be able to change the "inputs" in table A and see the updates in table D. So far the easiest way I have found to do this is to use `org-table-recalculate-buffer-tables`, then `org-babel-execute-buffer`, then `org-table-recalculate-buffer-tables` again. I already made at least one mistake by rerunning the source block without remembering to refresh intermediate tables. I was wondering if there is another way, either simpler or more robust?
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