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Re: clock-table and hooking that into org-capture file+olp+datetree

From: Kyle Meyer
Subject: Re: clock-table and hooking that into org-capture file+olp+datetree
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 2021 00:15:09 -0500

Christopher Causer writes:

> One snag I hit that I feel I should mention is what I believe to be a
> mistake in the documentation[1]. I was scratching my head as why
> org-clocktable-defaults wasn't working, but it was only when I brought
> up the inline documentation that I see that this probably is some
> vestigial variableand it has since moved to
> org-clock-clocktable-default-properties.

Despite their confusingly similar names as well as
org-clock-clocktable-default-properties not being documented in the
manual, they serve distinct purposes as far as I understand.
org-clock-clocktable-default-properties is about which properties are
inserted as part of the BEGIN line, while org-clocktable-defaults is the
set of defaults that are used when the value is not taken from the BEGIN

For example, here's the result of calling
org-dynamic-block-insert-dblock and selecting "clocktable" with the
built-in values for both these options:

  * one
  CLOCK: [2021-02-01 Mon 17:48]--[2021-02-01 Mon 19:48] =>  2:00
  #+BEGIN: clocktable :scope subtree :maxlevel 2
  #+CAPTION: Clock summary at [2021-02-02 Tue 00:08]
  | Headline     | Time   |
  | *Total time* | *2:00* |
  | one          | 2:00   |

Redoing that after

  (setq org-clock-clocktable-default-properties '(:fileskip0 nil))

it looks like this

  * one
  CLOCK: [2021-02-01 Mon 17:48]--[2021-02-01 Mon 19:48] =>  2:00
  #+BEGIN: clocktable :scope subtree :fileskip0 nil
  #+CAPTION: Clock summary at [2021-02-02 Tue 00:10]
  | Headline     | Time   |
  | *Total time* | *2:00* |
  | one          | 2:00   |

Notice the ":fileskip0 nil" in the BEGIN line.

And redoing it once more with

  (setq org-clocktable-defaults
        (plist-put org-clocktable-defaults :link t))

on top

  * one
  CLOCK: [2021-02-01 Mon 17:48]--[2021-02-01 Mon 19:48] =>  2:00
  #+BEGIN: clocktable :scope subtree :fileskip0 nil
  #+CAPTION: Clock summary at [2021-02-02 Tue 00:11]
  | Headline     | Time   |
  | *Total time* | *2:00* |
  | [[file:/tmp/scratch.org::*one][one]]          | 2:00   |

Notice that `:link t' has an effect, but it's not inserted in the BEGIN

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