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bug#45212: org-capture user-error: Abort

From: daniela-spit
Subject: bug#45212: org-capture user-error: Abort
Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2020 06:54:34 +0100

> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 6:22 AM
> From: "Jean Louis" <bugs@gnu.support>
> To: daniela-spit@gmx.it
> Cc: 45212@debbugs.gnu.org
> Subject: bug#45212: org-capture user-error: Abort
> * daniela-spit@gmx.it <daniela-spit@gmx.it> [2020-12-12 23:19]:
> > Emacs fires "user-error: Abort" after pressing "q" to abort org-capture.
> Those are error messages invented by programmers who never had any
> project supervisor who thinks of users.
> If user wish to abort it is not an error. Even if it is error, why it
> should be written with the dash as "user-error"?!
> If message is at all necessary then computer should say "Action
> aborted" or similar.



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