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[PATCH] possible bugfix in ob-java

From: John Herrlin
Subject: [PATCH] possible bugfix in ob-java
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2020 18:44:29 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 27.1


Trying to do the following:

     #+HEADER: :classname se/my_test_package/Main
     #+HEADER: :dir src
     #+HEADER: :cmdline -classpath src:.
     #+BEGIN_SRC java :results output code
       package se.my_test_package;

       class Main {
           public static void main(String[] args) {
               System.out.println("Hey from Emacs Org mode!");

I expected this to create Main.java and Main.class in directory
src/se/my_test_package/ before running =javac=. Instead I get this:

File is missing: "Opening output file", "No such file or directory"

In the patch I rearrange so package dirs are created before the
Main.java file is written to file system. It fixes the provided case for

Attachment: 0001-ob-java-create-package-dirs-before-write-to-file.patch
Description: Text Data

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