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Re: [PATCH] org-add-planning-info: respect caller's given time [9.3.7 (r

From: No Wayman
Subject: Re: [PATCH] org-add-planning-info: respect caller's given time [9.3.7 (release_9.3.7-716-g3d4876 @ /home/n/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2020 13:11:13 -0400
User-agent: mu4e 1.5.5; emacs 28.0.50

I'll keep researching and see if I can come up with anything.

This is particularly difficult.
When instrumenting `org-add-planning-info` with edebug the resulting timestamp always has its time portion (given and/or end-time) ignored.
Tried it with both my personal setup and emacs -q. No luck.
I'm more likely to hack around this than figure out a proper patch, though I still consider it a bug that org-schedule is unable to be informed by org-time-given and org-end-time-given I originally described.

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