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Re: Smart processing of http(s) links

From: Ag Ibragimov
Subject: Re: Smart processing of http(s) links
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2020 16:59:13 -0700
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.10; emacs 28.0.50

Oh cool. This is exactly what I needed:

I was able to build this:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun get-gh-item-title (uri &optional include-number?)
 "Based on given github URI for (pull request or an issue),
 returns its title"
 (when (string-match "\\(github.com\\).*\\(issues\\|pull\\)" uri) ; either PR 
or issue
   (pcase-let* ((`(_ _ ,owner ,repo ,type ,number) (remove "" (split-string uri 
                (gh-resource (format "/repos/%s/%s/%s/%s"
                                     (if (string= type "pull") "pulls" type)
                (resp (ghub-get gh-resource nil :auth 'forge)))
     (when resp
       (format "%s%s" (alist-get 'title resp)
               (when include-number? (format " #%s" number)))))))

(defun org-link-make-description-function* (link desc)
 (cond ((string-match "\\(github.com\\).*\\(issues\\|pull\\)" link)
        (get-gh-item-title link :with-number))
       (t desc)))

(setq org-link-make-description-function 'org-link-make-description-function*)

On Sun 28 Jun 2020 at 14:02, Kyle Meyer <kyle@kyleam.com> wrote:

Ag Ibragimov writes:

Whenever I I use org-insert-link and it turns out to be a URI that
starts with "https://github.com"; I would like it to be processed
differently than any other link, one example - if it is a PR or a
Github Issue, I'd like it to fetch summary(title) of it and create a
link that looks like this:

[[https://github.com/user/repo/issues/3899][This issue needs to be fixed #3899]]

Do we have any "built-in" mechanism for doing something like this? Can
someone suggest how I can make it. Thank you!

You can set org-link-make-description-function to a function that
detects links of interest and generates a custom description.

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