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Survey: changing a few default settings for Org 9.4

From: Bastien
Subject: Survey: changing a few default settings for Org 9.4
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2020 08:39:29 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Hi all,

while Org 9.4 is on its way, I am considering changing a few default
settings (10 options in total).  I have created a survey here:


Can you take a few minutes and express your opinion there?

Here is the list of options and a line of justification - feel free to
discuss this on the mailing list too, of course.

- org-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region => t

  This option was not documented in the manual until recently.  It is
  useful to act on several headlines in the region.  When you select a
  region, it feels natural to expect some commands to act specially on
  the selected region.

- org-agenda-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region => t

  Same for the agenda: the feature has been added in Org 9.4.  It
  makes things really easier than bulk marking entries when bulking
  marking in a row.

- org-fontify-done-headline => t

  This is useful to visualize done headlines and can be easily turned
  off, while not being easily discovered for Org newcomers.

- org-hide-emphasis-markers => t
- org-hide-macro-markers => t

  The two changes proposed above will probably trigger some reactions
  as they touch something very sensitive: whether Org should try to be
  "too clever" at making things invisible.  I am all for letting Org
  newcomers enjoying these visual enhancements, while letting experts
  turning them off if needed.

- org-refile-use-cache => t

  This is a speed boost when refiling entries: if org-refile-targets
  is big, caching refile targets help refiling faster.

- org-special-ctrl-k => t

  The default value for the sister option org-special-ctrl-a is set to
  reversed and while this changes a fundamental Emacs command behavior
  it feels useful.  I'd argue this is the same for org-special-ctrl-k:
  setting it to t will feel natural.

- org-src-tab-acts-natively => t

  I believe that's the natural expectation when using TAB in a source
  block.  Things can be brittle in this area, but turning this on will
  provide a better experience to everyone.

- org-allow-promoting-top-level-subtree => t

  With the current default of nil, an error is thrown when the user
  tries to promote a top level subtree.  The new default setting would
  let users convert the top level heading to a commented heading.
- Add org-tempo to org-modules

  Last but not least: we had long discussions about this one in the
  past.  Expansion of the "<s" templates (and other "<*" templates) at
  the beginning of the line has been turned off.  I have IRL met with
  Org users* who just thought the feature was broken/deleted, without
  having/taking the time/knowledge/guts to look for the things they
  can turn on.  I am all for turning this on again, letting experts
  disabling the feature if they don't want it.

  * We have regular meetings with https://www.emacs-doctor.com/

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

Changing defaults is always a sensitive matter.

There are generally two points of view confronting themselves: those
who take side with the "beginners" or the "don't-have-time-to-config"
(although these are just abstract figures here), and those insisting
that default are "for everyone", beginners, non-configurers, experts.

I think both sides are correct, provided we consider Org's experience
as something *dynamic* in time, a learning process.  So good defaults
are a balance between beginners/non-configurers experience and that of

In any case, let's keep the discussion as constructive as possible.



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