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[O] Bug: cannot export to beamer, even with (require 'ox-beamer) [9.1.14

From: Uwe Brauer
Subject: [O] Bug: cannot export to beamer, even with (require 'ox-beamer) [9.1.14 (release_9.1.14-1059-gadec50 @ /home/oub/emacs/site-lisp/packages/org/)]
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2018 09:07:04 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.0.50 (gnu/linux)


Some time ago I added via customize the exam class to my setting.
So the relevant custom entry looks like this 

   '(("article" "\\documentclass[12pt]{article}"
      ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")
      ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
      ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}")
      ("\\paragraph{%s}" . "\\paragraph*{%s}")
      ("\\subparagraph{%s}" . "\\subparagraph*{%s}"))
     ("report" "\\documentclass[12pt]{report}"
      ("\\part{%s}" . "\\part*{%s}")
      ("\\chapter{%s}" . "\\chapter*{%s}")
      ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")
      ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
      ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}"))
     ("book" "\\documentclass[12pt]{book}"
      ("\\part{%s}" . "\\part*{%s}")
      ("\\chapter{%s}" . "\\chapter*{%s}")
      ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")
      ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
      ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}"))
     ("exam" "\\documentclass[12pt, addpoints, answers]{exam}"
      ("\\begin{questions}%%%s" "\\end{questions}" "\\begin{questions}%%%s" 
      ("\\titledquestion{%s}" . "")
      ("\\begin{parts}%%%s" "\\end{parts}" "\\begin{parts}%%%s" "\\end{parts}")
      ("\\part[%s] " . "")
      ("\\begin{subparts}%%%s" "\\end{subparts}" "\\begin{subparts}%%%s" 
      ("\\subpart[%s] " . "")
      ("\\begin{solution}[%s]" "\\end{solution}" "\\begin{solution}[%s]" 

I have  
(require 'ox-beamer) 

In my org init file, which should via add-to-list, add beamer but somehow
it does not. 

So when I call 

C-c C-e l b

In a org file I obtain the message

user-error: Unknown LaTeX class ‘beamer’

Something is wrong here. Add-to-list should add beamer to the org-class
but somehow it does not.
I am not sure who is to blame. Org or customize?

Uwe Brauer 

Emacs  : GNU Emacs 27.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw3d 
scroll bars)
 of 2018-04-26
Package: Org mode version 9.1.14 (release_9.1.14-1059-gadec50 @ 

current state:
 org-table-export-default-format "my-tbl-to-csv"
 org-src-mode-hook '(org-src-babel-configure-edit-buffer 
 org-after-todo-state-change-hook '(org-clock-out-if-current)
 org-latex-listings t
 org-capture-prepare-finalize-hook '(gnorb-registry-capture 
 org-blank-before-new-entry '((plain-list-item . t))
 org-babel-after-execute-hook '(org-display-inline-images)
 org-metadown-hook '(org-babel-pop-to-session-maybe)
 org-clock-out-hook '(org-clock-remove-empty-clock-drawer)
 org-latex-to-mathml-jar-file "/home/oub/ALLES/src/MathWeb/mathtoweb.jar"
 org-time-stamp-custom-formats '(" %d.%m.%y " . " %d.%m.%y %a %H:%M ")
 org-pretty-entities t
 org-enforce-todo-dependencies t
 org-ref-create-notes-hook '((lambda nil (org-narrow-to-subtree) (insert 
(format "cite:%s\n" (org-entry-get (point) "Custom_ID")))))
 org-odt-format-headline-function 'org-odt-format-headline-default-function
"~/ALLES/HGs/tex/CitationIndex/Mat-2016.org" "~/ALLES/MathRev/ToDo/TODO.org"
 org-ascii-format-inlinetask-function 'org-ascii-format-inlinetask-default
 org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command "java -jar %j -unicode -force -df %o %I"
 org-blocker-hook '(org-block-todo-from-children-or-siblings-or-parent)
 org-gnus-prefer-web-links t
 org-calc-default-modes '(calc-internal-prec 12 calc-float-format (float 4) 
calc-angle-mode deg calc-prefer-frac nil calc-symbolic-mode nil
                          calc-date-format (YYYY "-" MM "-" DD " " Www (" " hh 
":" mm)) calc-display-working-message t)
             % do not remove\n% The settings below are copied from 
 R}}}\n\\addtolength{\\topmargin}{-2.54cm} "
 org-mode-hook '(#[0 "\301\211\207" [imenu-create-index-function 
org-imenu-get-tree] 2]
                 (lambda nil (local-set-key [C-M-up] 
                  (local-set-key [C-M-down] 'org-table-move-single-cell-down) 
(local-set-key [C-M-left] 'org-table-move-single-cell-left)
                  (local-set-key [C-M-right] 'org-table-move-single-cell-right))
                 org-ref-org-menu ob-ipython-auto-configure-kernels 
turn-on-diff-hl-mode turn-on-auto-fill my-org-keys turn-on-flyspell
                 turn-on-auto-capitalize-mode org-tempo-setup 
org-auctex-keys-minor-mode navi-make-org-mode-promotion-headings-list
                 #[0 "\300\301\302\303\304$\207" [add-hook 
change-major-mode-hook org-show-all append local] 5]
                 #[0 "\300\301\302\303\304$\207" [add-hook 
change-major-mode-hook org-babel-show-result-all append local] 5]
                 org-babel-result-hide-spec org-babel-hide-all-hashes)
 org-odt-format-drawer-function #[514 "\207" [] 3 "\n\n(fn NAME CONTENTS)"]
 org-archive-hook '(org-attach-archive-delete-maybe)
 org-confirm-elisp-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
 org-agenda-finalize-hook '(gnorb-org-popup-bbdb 
 org-ref-bibliography-entry-format '(("misc" . "%a %t <i>%h</i> (%y) <a 
                                     ("article" .
                                      "%a, %t, <i>%j</i>, <b>%v(%n)</b>, %p 
(%y). <a href=\"%U\">link</a>. <a href=\"http://dx.doi.org/%D\";>doi</a>. 
                                     ("book" . "%a, %t, %u (%y).") 
("techreport" . "%a, %t, %i, %u (%y).")
                                     ("proceedings" . "%e, %t in %S, %u (%y).") 
("inproceedings" . "%a, %t, %p, in %b, edited by %e, %u (%y)"))
 org-startup-with-inline-images t
 org-ref-clean-bibtex-key-function '(lambda (key) (replace-regexp-in-string ":" 
"" key))
 org-agenda-before-write-hook '(org-agenda-add-entry-text)
 org-metaup-hook '(org-babel-load-in-session-maybe)
 org-bibtex-headline-format-function #[257 "\300\236A\207" [:title] 3 "\n\n(fn 
 org-from-is-user-regexp "\\<address@hidden>\\|\\<Uwe Brauer\\>"
 org-latex-format-drawer-function #[514 "\207" [] 3 "\n\n(fn _ CONTENTS)"]
 org-ref-default-citation-link "citep"
 org-ref-insert-cite-key "C-c c"
 org-babel-pre-tangle-hook '(save-buffer)
 org-tab-first-hook '(org-babel-hide-result-toggle-maybe 
 org-html-table-default-attributes '(:border "2" :cellspacing "0" :cellpadding 
"6" :frame "border" :rules "all")
 org-babel-load-languages '((emacs-lisp . t) (R . t))
 org-ref-clean-bibtex-entry-hook '(org-ref-bibtex-format-url-if-doi 
orcb-key-comma org-ref-replace-nonascii orcb-& orcb-%
                                   org-ref-title-case-article orcb-clean-year 
orcb-key orcb-clean-doi orcb-clean-pages orcb-check-journal
 org-load-hook '(my-link-keys org-insert-dblock-bindings)
 org-ref-open-pdf-function 'org-ref-open-pdf-at-point
 org-highlight-latex-and-related '(latex)
 org-ascii-format-drawer-function #[771 "\207" [] 4 "\n\n(fn NAME CONTENTS 
 org-ref-open-notes-function '(lambda nil (org-show-entry) 
(outline-show-branches) (outline-show-children) (org-cycle '(64))
                               (recenter-top-bottom 0))
 org-src-lang-modes '(("jupyter-matlab" . matlab) ("jupyter-python" . python) 
("ipython" . python) ("C" . c) ("C++" . c++) ("asymptote" . asy)
                      ("bash" . sh) ("beamer" . latex) ("calc" . fundamental) 
("cpp" . c++) ("ditaa" . artist) ("dot" . fundamental)
                      ("elisp" . emacs-lisp) ("ocaml" . tuareg) ("screen" . 
shell-script) ("shell" . sh) ("sqlite" . sql))
 org-src-preserve-indentation t
 org-annotate-file-add-search t
 org-occur-hook '(org-first-headline-recenter)
 org-protocol-protocol-alist '(("capture-html" :protocol "capture-html" 
:function org-protocol-capture-html--with-pandoc :kill-client t))
 org-export-before-processing-hook '(f-ox-filter-table-column-del)
 org-ref-bibtex-assoc-pdf-with-entry-move-function 'rename-file
 org-agenda-include-diary t
 org-structure-template-alist '(("a" . "export ascii") ("C" . "comment") ("e" . 
"example") ("E" . "export") ("h" . "export html")
                                ("m" . "src matlab :tangle mieuler.m :exports 
code  :padline no :eval never-export :wrap latex")
                                ("q" . "quote") ("S" . "src")
                                ("s" . "src matlab :results output latex 
:exports code  :eval never-export :wrap latex")
                                ("l" . "src latex :results latex replace 
:exports results :eval t") ("v" . "verse"))
 org-cycle-hook '(org-cycle-hide-archived-subtrees org-cycle-show-empty-lines 
 org-speed-command-hook '(org-speed-command-activate 
 org-capture-mode-hook '(gnorb-org-capture-function)
 org-odt-format-inlinetask-function 'org-odt-format-inlinetask-default-function
 org-html-with-latex 'mathjax
 org-latex-prefer-user-labels t
 org-odt-convert-process "gnumeric"
 org-babel-tangle-lang-exts '(("D" . "d") ("C++" . "cpp") ("perl" . "pl") 
("ruby" . "rb") ("python" . "py") ("latex" . "tex")
                              ("emacs-lisp" . "el") ("elisp" . "el"))
 org-return-follows-link t
 org-format-latex-options '(:foreground default :background default :scale 1.5 
:html-foreground "Black" :html-background "Transparent"
                            :html-scale 1 :matchers ("begin" "$1" "$" "$$" 
"\\(" "\\["))
 org-export-with-author nil
 org-latex-listings-langs '((emacs-lisp "Lisp") (lisp "Lisp") (clojure "Lisp") 
(c "C") (cc "C++") (fortran "fortran") (perl "Perl")
                            (cperl "Perl") (python "Python") (ruby "Ruby") 
(html "HTML") (xml "XML") (tex "TeX") (latex "[LaTeX]TeX")
                            (shell-script "bash") (gnuplot "Gnuplot") (ocaml 
"Caml") (caml "Caml") (sql "SQL") (matlab "Matlab")
                            (sqlite "sql") (makefile "make"))
 org-confirm-shell-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
 org-link-parameters '(("eww" :follow eww :store org-eww-store-link) ("rmail" 
:follow org-rmail-open :store org-rmail-store-link)
                       ("mhe" :follow org-mhe-open :store org-mhe-store-link)
                       ("irc" :follow org-irc-visit :store org-irc-store-link 
:export org-irc-export)
                       ("info" :follow org-info-open :export org-info-export 
:store org-info-store-link)
                       ("gnus" :follow org-gnus-open :store org-gnus-store-link)
                       ("docview" :follow org-docview-open :export 
org-docview-export :store org-docview-store-link)
                       ("bbdb" :follow org-bbdb-open :export org-bbdb-export 
:complete org-bbdb-complete-link :store org-bbdb-store-link)
                       ("w3m" :store org-w3m-store-link) ("tel")
                       ("printindex" :follow org-ref-index :export
                        #[(path desc format) "\301=\205        \300\302!\207" 
[format latex "printindex"] 2])
                       ("index" :follow #[(path) "\301!\207" [path occur] 2] 
                        #[(path desc format) "\302=\205\n\300\303      \"\207" 
[format path latex "\\index{%s}"] 3])
                       ("bibentry" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-bibentry :complete
                        org-bibentry-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("Autocites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Autocites
                        :complete org-Autocites-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("autocites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-autocites
                        :complete org-autocites-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("supercites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-supercites
                        :complete org-supercites-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("Textcites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Textcites
                        :complete org-Textcites-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("textcites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-textcites
                        :complete org-textcites-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("Smartcites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Smartcites
                        :complete org-Smartcites-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("smartcites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-smartcites
                        :complete org-smartcites-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("footcitetexts" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-footcitetexts
                        :complete org-footcitetexts-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("footcites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-footcites
                        :complete org-footcites-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("Parencites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Parencites
                        :complete org-Parencites-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("parencites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-parencites
                        :complete org-parencites-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("Cites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Cites :complete
                        org-Cites-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("cites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-cites :complete
                        org-cites-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("fnotecite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-fnotecite
                        :complete org-fnotecite-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("Pnotecite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Pnotecite
                        :complete org-Pnotecite-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("pnotecite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-pnotecite
                        :complete org-pnotecite-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("Notecite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Notecite :complete
                        org-Notecite-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("notecite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-notecite :complete
                        org-notecite-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("footfullcite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-footfullcite
                        :complete org-footfullcite-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("fullcite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-fullcite :complete
                        org-fullcite-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("citeurl" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citeurl :complete
                        org-citeurl-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("citedate*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citedate*
                        :complete org-citedate*-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("citedate" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citedate :complete
                        org-citedate-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("citetitle*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citetitle*
                        :complete org-citetitle*-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("citetitle" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citetitle
                        :complete org-citetitle-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("Citeauthor*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Citeauthor*
                        :complete org-Citeauthor*-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("Autocite*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Autocite*
                        :complete org-Autocite*-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("autocite*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-autocite*
                        :complete org-autocite*-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("Autocite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Autocite :complete
                        org-Autocite-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("autocite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-autocite :complete
                        org-autocite-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("supercite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-supercite
                        :complete org-supercite-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("parencite*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-parencite*
                        :complete org-parencite*-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("cite*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-cite* :complete
                        org-cite*-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("Smartcite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Smartcite
                        :complete org-Smartcite-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("smartcite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-smartcite
                        :complete org-smartcite-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("Textcite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Textcite :complete
                        org-Textcite-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("textcite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-textcite :complete
                        org-textcite-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("footcitetext" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-footcitetext
                        :complete org-footcitetext-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("footcite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-footcite :complete
                        org-footcite-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("Parencite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Parencite
                        :complete org-Parencite-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("parencite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-parencite
                        :complete org-parencite-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("Cite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Cite :complete
                        org-Cite-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("Citeauthor" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Citeauthor
                        :complete org-Citeauthor-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("Citealp" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Citealp :complete
                        org-Citealp-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("Citealt" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Citealt :complete
                        org-Citealt-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("Citep" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Citep :complete
                        org-Citep-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("Citet" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Citet :complete
                        org-Citet-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("citeyearpar" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citeyearpar
                        :complete org-citeyearpar-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("citeyear*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citeyear*
                        :complete org-citeyear*-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("citeyear" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citeyear :complete
                        org-citeyear-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("citeauthor*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citeauthor*
                        :complete org-citeauthor*-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("citeauthor" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citeauthor
                        :complete org-citeauthor-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("citetext" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citetext :complete
                        org-citetext-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("citenum" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citenum :complete
                        org-citenum-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("citealp*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citealp* :complete
                        org-citealp*-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("citealp" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citealp :complete
                        org-citealp-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("citealt*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citealt* :complete
                        org-citealt*-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("citealt" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citealt :complete
                        org-citealt-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("citep*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citep* :complete
                        org-citep*-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("citep" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citep :complete
                        org-citep-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("citet*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citet* :complete
                        org-citet*-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("citet" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citet :complete
                        org-citet-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("nocite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-nocite :complete
                        org-nocite-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                       ("cite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall 
org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil)) :export org-ref-format-cite :complete
                        org-cite-complete-link :help-echo
                        (lambda (window object position)
                         (when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
                          (save-excursion (goto-char position)
                           (let ((s (org-ref-format-entry 
                            (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph) 
                        :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full :keymap
                        (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-right 
lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
                         (S-left lambda nil (interactive) 
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key)
                         (C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
                         (16777337 lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the 
first thing in the killring is a key." (interactive)
                          (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
                         (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point." 
                          (kill-new (org-element-property :path 
                         (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new (car 
                         (16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
                          (save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) 
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
                         (16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
                         (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point" 
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
                         (16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point) (16777330 . 
                         (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point) (16777328 . 
                         (16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point) (16777314 . 
org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (follow-link . mouse-face)
                         (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse) (mouse-2 . 
                        :store org-ref-bibtex-store-link)
                       ("Cref" :follow org-ref-ref-follow :export 
org-ref-Cref-export :complete org-ref-complete-link :face
                        org-ref-ref-face-fn :help-echo org-ref-ref-help-echo)
                       ("cref" :follow org-ref-ref-follow :export 
org-ref-cref-export :complete org-ref-complete-link :face
                        org-ref-ref-face-fn :help-echo org-ref-ref-help-echo)
                       ("autoref" :follow org-ref-autoref-follow :export 
org-ref-autoref-export :complete org-ref-complete-link :face
                        org-ref-ref-face-fn :help-echo org-ref-ref-help-echo)
                       ("eqref" :follow org-ref-eqref-follow :export 
org-ref-eqref-export :complete org-ref-complete-link :face
                        org-ref-ref-face-fn :help-echo org-ref-ref-help-echo)
                       ("nameref" :follow org-ref-follow-nameref :export 
org-ref-export-nameref :complete org-ref-complete-link :face
                        org-ref-ref-face-fn :help-echo org-ref-ref-help-echo)
                       ("pageref" :follow org-ref-follow-pageref :export
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\"\207\304=\205\300\305       \"\207"
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"\\pageref{%s}"] 3]
                        :face org-ref-ref-face-fn :complete 
org-pageref-complete-link :help-echo org-ref-ref-help-echo)
                       ("ref" :follow org-ref-ref-follow :export 
org-ref-ref-export :complete org-ref-complete-link :face org-ref-ref-face-fn
                        :help-echo org-ref-ref-help-echo)
                       ("label" :follow
                        #[(label) "\302!\303\304\305   \211\306U\204  
                          [label count org-ref-count-labels message format "%s 
occurence%s" 0 1 "s" ""] 6
                          "On clicking count the number of label tags used in 
the buffer.\nA number greater than one means multiple labels!"]
                        #[(keyword desc format) "\302=\203\300\303    
\"\207\304=\205\300\305       \"\207"
                          [format keyword html "<div id=\"%s\">" latex 
"\\label{%s}"] 3]
                        :store org-label-store-link :face org-ref-label-face-fn 
                        #[(window object position) "\212b\210\303 
\304\305!r\nq\210\306\216    c\210\307 \210\310 -\207"
                          [position s temp-buffer org-ref-link-message 
generate-new-buffer " *temp*"
                           #[nil "\301!\205    \302!\207" [temp-buffer 
buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] fill-paragraph buffer-string]
                       ("list-of-tables" :follow org-ref-list-of-tables :export
                        #[(keyword desc format) "\301=\205     \300\302!\207" 
[format latex "\\listoftables"] 2])
                       ("list-of-figures" :follow org-ref-list-of-figures 
                        #[(keyword desc format) "\301=\205     \300\302!\207" 
[format latex "\\listoffigures"] 2])
                       ("addbibresource" :follow org-ref-follow-addbibresource 
                        #[(keyword desc format) 
"\302=\203\n\300\303!\207\304=\205\300\305   \"\207"
                          [format keyword html "" latex "\\addbibresource{%s}"] 
                       ("bibliographystyle" :export
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"\302=\204\f\303=\203\300\304        \"\207\305\207"
                          [format keyword latex beamer 
"\\bibliographystyle{%s}" ""] 3]
                       ("printbibliography" :follow org-ref-open-bibliography 
                        #[(keyword desc format) "\301=\203     \302 
\207\303=\203\304 \207\305=\205\306\207"
                          [format org org-ref-get-org-bibliography html 
org-ref-get-html-bibliography latex "\\printbibliography"] 2]
                       ("nobibliography" :follow org-ref-open-bibliography 
:export org-ref-nobibliography-format)
                       ("bibliography" :follow org-ref-open-bibliography 
:export org-ref-bibliography-format :complete
                        org-bibliography-complete-link :help-echo
                        #[(window object position) "\212b\210\303 
\304\305!r\nq\210\306\216    c\210\307 \210\310 -\207"
                          [position s temp-buffer org-ref-link-message 
generate-new-buffer " *temp*"
                           #[nil "\301!\205    \302!\207" [temp-buffer 
buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] fill-paragraph buffer-string]
                        :face org-ref-bibliography-face-fn)
                       ("Acp" :follow or-follow-acronym :face 
org-ref-acronym-face :help-echo or-acronym-tooltip :export
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[latex format "\\Glspl{%s}" "%s"] 6
                          "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
                       ("acp" :follow or-follow-acronym :face 
org-ref-acronym-face :help-echo or-acronym-tooltip :export
                        #[771 "\211\300=\203\301\302\"\207\301\303\226\"\207" 
[latex format "\\glspl{%s}" "%s"] 6
                          "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
                       ("Ac" :follow or-follow-acronym :face 
org-ref-acronym-face :help-echo or-acronym-tooltip :export
                        #[771 "\211\300=\203\301\302\"\207\301\303\226\"\207" 
[latex format "\\Gls{%s}" "%s"] 6
                          "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
                       ("ac" :follow or-follow-acronym :face 
org-ref-acronym-face :help-echo or-acronym-tooltip :export
                        #[771 "\211\300=\203\301\302\"\207\301\303\226\"\207" 
[latex format "\\gls{%s}" "%s"] 6
                          "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
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org-ref-acronym-face :help-echo or-acronym-tooltip :export
                        #[771 "\211\300=\203\301\302\"\207\301\303\226\"\207" 
[latex format "\\acrfull{%s}" "%s"] 6
                          "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
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org-ref-acronym-face :help-echo or-acronym-tooltip :export
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[latex format "\\acrlong{%s}" "%s"] 6
                          "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
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org-ref-acronym-face :help-echo or-acronym-tooltip :export
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[latex format "\\acrshort{%s}" "%s"] 6
                          "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
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org-ref-glossary-face :help-echo or-glossary-tooltip :export
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[latex format "\\glsdesc{%s}" "%s"] 6
                          "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
                       ("glssymbol" :follow or-follow-glossary :face 
org-ref-glossary-face :help-echo or-glossary-tooltip :export
                        #[771 "\211\300=\203\301\302\"\207\301\303\"\207" 
[latex format "\\glssymbol{%s}" "%s"] 6
                          "\n\n(fn PATH DESC FORMAT)"]
                       ("glslink" :follow or-follow-glossary :face 
org-ref-glossary-face :help-echo or-glossary-tooltip :export
                        #[771 "\211\300=\203\f\301\302#\207\301\303\"\207" 
[latex format "\\glslink{%s}{%s}" "%s"] 7
                          "\n\n(fn PATH DESC FORMAT)"]
                       ("Glspl" :follow or-follow-glossary :face 
org-ref-glossary-face :help-echo or-glossary-tooltip :export
                        #[771 "\211\300=\203\301\302\"\207\301\303\"\207" 
[latex format "\\Glspl{%s}" "%s"] 6 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
                       ("Gls" :follow or-follow-glossary :face 
org-ref-glossary-face :help-echo or-glossary-tooltip :export
                        #[771 "\211\300=\203\301\302\"\207\301\303\"\207" 
[latex format "\\Gls{%s}" "%s"] 6 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"])
                       ("glspl" :follow or-follow-glossary :face 
org-ref-glossary-face :help-echo or-glossary-tooltip :export
                        #[771 "\211\300=\203\301\302\"\207\301\303\"\207" 
[latex format "\\glspl{%s}" "%s"] 6 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
                       ("gls" :follow or-follow-glossary :face 
org-ref-glossary-face :help-echo or-glossary-tooltip :export
                        #[771 "\211\300=\203\301\302\"\207\301\303\"\207" 
[latex format "\\gls{%s}" "%s"] 6 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"])
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org-bibtex-store-link) ("id" :follow org-id-open) ("file+sys") ("file+emacs")
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\n\206\306\nP$\207\307=\205%\300\310 \n\206$\306\nP$\207"
                          [format doi-utils-dx-doi-org-url doi desc html "<a 
href=\"%s%s\">%s</a>" "doi:" latex "\\href{%s%s}{%s}"] 6]
                       ("elisp" :follow org--open-elisp-link) ("file" :complete 
                       ("ftp" :follow (lambda (path) (browse-url (concat "ftp:" 
path)))) ("help" :follow org--open-help-link)
                       ("http" :follow (lambda (path) (browse-url (concat 
"http:" path))))
                       ("https" :follow (lambda (path) (browse-url (concat 
"https:" path))))
                       ("mailto" :follow (lambda (path) (browse-url (concat 
"mailto:"; path))))
                       ("news" :follow (lambda (path) (browse-url (concat 
"news:"; path)))) ("shell" :follow org--open-shell-link))
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"~/ALLES/HGs/tex/vorlesungen/HGQuim-Num-Estad/Hojas.org" "Examen")
                          "* %T %^{Title} : %:subject %^G\n- From :: %:from\n- 
Subject :: %:subject\n- Date :: %:date\n- Email :: %a\n\n%?\n%i")
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"~/ALLES/Mail/README.org" "Important Mail")
                          "* %T %^{Title} : %:subject %^G\n- From :: %:from\n- 
Subject :: %:subject\n- Date :: %:date\n- Email :: %a\n\n%?\n%i")
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"~/ALLES/HGs/Karp/Pub/Letter.org" "To the Editor")
                          "* %T %^{Title} : %:subject %^G\n- From :: %:from\n- 
Subject :: %:subject\n- Date :: %:date\n- Email :: %a\n\n%?\n%i")
                         ("mr" "MailMathRev" entry (file+headline 
"~/ALLES/MathRev/ToDo/TODO.org" "To the Editor")
                          "* %T TODO %^{Task} : %:subject %^G\nSCHEDULED: %t\n- 
From :: %:from\n- Subject :: %:subject\n- Date :: %:date\n- Email :: 
%a\n\n%?\n%i" :kill-buffer t)
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"~/Mail/TODO-email.org" "Emails") "** %T REPLY %a %?" :gnus-attachments t)
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(read-file-name "Name of file (curr dir;headline-format format)!: ")))
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"~/ALLES/journal.org") "* %?" :empty-lines 1)
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                          (file+headline (lambda nil (expand-file-name 
(read-file-name "Name of file (curr dir;table format)!: "))) "Overview")
                          "|%f| %U|%A|" :prepend t)
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"/home/oub/ALLES/download.org") "* %a :website:\n\n%U %?\n\n%:initial"))
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("\\subparagraph{%s}" . "\\subparagraph*{%s}"))
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"\\part*{%s}") ("\\chapter{%s}" . "\\chapter*{%s}")
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"\\part*{%s}") ("\\chapter{%s}" . "\\chapter*{%s}")
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"\\begin{questions}%%%s" "\\end{questions}") ("\\titledquestion{%s}" . "")
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"\\end{parts}") ("\\part[%s] " . "")
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"\\begin{subparts}%%%s" "\\end{subparts}") ("\\subpart[%s] " . "")
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"\\begin{solution}[%s]" "\\end{solution}"))
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thekey)) (key (car results)) (bibfile (cdr results)))
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(bibtex-set-dialect (parsebib-find-bibtex-dialect) t)
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 org-latex-listings-options '(("style" "Matlab-editor") ("basicstyle" 
"\\mlttfamily") ("escapechar" "\"") ("mlshowsectionrules" "true")
                              ("mathescape" "true") ("morecomment" 
 org-odt-convert-processes '(("gnumeric" "/usr/bin/ssconvert %i %o"))
 org-list-allow-alphabetical t

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