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[O] Literate programming: Org mode and Scala

From: Andrea Giugliano
Subject: [O] Literate programming: Org mode and Scala
Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2018 19:26:12 +0000

Hi everybody,

TL;DR: org mode literate programming does not work easily with the current
scala-mode, there are options to work around this: are the org-mode
maintainers still okay with scala-mode depending on ensime?

Thanks so much for org-mode: the more I use it the more I appreciate the
effort you have put into it!

I am working with Scala and I like to test out things using a literate
programming style. Apparently org-mode decided to offload the scala-mode
to the Ensime maintainers. For this reason there is no straightforward
(at least not to me) support to run code blocks on the fly.

I have opened an issue about this [0], but the Ensime/scala-mode
community does not seem active (at least this pull request did not
receive any comment yet [1]).

For those who are struggling I have created a little of code to make
easy to work with Scala and org-mode [2].

I wonder: is the org-mode community planning to make scala-mode work in
a literate way without workarounds?



[0] https://github.com/ensime/emacs-scala-mode/issues/148
[1] https://github.com/ensime/emacs-scala-mode/pull/151
[2] https://github.com/ag91/EasyOrgEnsime

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