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Re: [O] export to odt with LaTeX math formulae and tables

From: edgar
Subject: Re: [O] export to odt with LaTeX math formulae and tables
Date: Sun, 20 May 2018 19:01:42 +0000
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Message: 2
Date: Sat, 19 May 2018 19:24:12 +0200
From: Joseph Vidal-Rosset <address@hidden>
To: emacs-orgmode list <address@hidden>,  John Kitchin
        <address@hidden>,         John Kitchin <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: [O] export to odt with LaTeX math formulae and tables
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hello John, hello the list,

The results of my efforts to export an org file with equations, proofs and so on to odt: imagemagick works, but the png images are ugly. References of
equations and bibliography do not work,

I have the same problem. So far, I can either get inter-text references or external packages (depending on whether I use the export from Org or Pandoc), but not both. I wonder if using an OTT would suffice to change the size of all equations in the ODT (cannot test now; away from my computer). If that is the case, there is an option to change the configuration of imagemagick and dvipng when exporting from Org to ODT. There, you can set the scale or resolution, I think. It makes the pictures to look bigger, but if the OTT forces them to be smaller again, I'm sure that they would look much better.

because the png images do not
reproduce the org-ref references.

I get the tags for the inter-text and bibliographic references coming from the LaTeX document (originally produced from Org --> LaTeX) when using Pandoc. I want to know: are you using Pandoc for this too?

Otherwise, I get nice inter-text references and can tweak the format if I take the Org export + LaTeXMLMath + OTT (template for ODT) --> ODT, but then I get no bibliograhpy. Is this the case for you too? If not, can you tell me how you solved this? (that is why I wanted to know if you are using Pandoc). Thanks!

I am afraid that by using another way of
exporting math. (Mathjax, Mathml...) I will not get the natural deductions
proofs that I get via proof.sty.

Yes, I think that has been my experience with other packages. You may want to get in touch with the people from LaTeXML to see if they can support proof.sty. In any case, there seems to be no immediate solution.

(The export to odt or docx seems to be a
real nightmare, and that is not very surprising, because LaTeX is the only
good solution...)

I agree on the nightmare! I made a bug (enhancement) report on LibreOffice to see if they can help with this. May be it would help if you add your "I want this too" :) . Also, consider that, when exporting to ODT, it's most likely because you are working with someone who does not care too much about the nice side of LaTeX. I would also advise you to consider loosing part of your format in your document. Instead of using \myformattingcommand{arg 1}{arg 2} which would produce a nice \frac{arg 1}{arg 2} in LaTeX, just replace your text for 1/2. They don't care!

Best wishes,


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Having said all of this, I would like to ask the Org team to consider the next two improvements for the ODT export: 1. Support the \printbibliography[heading=none] LaTeX command (I am away from my computer right now, and cannot tell if it works without [heading=none]). 2. Support Org --> MathML with LaTeX packages (as compared to exporting with ImageMagick, MathToWeb or LaTeXML).



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