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Re: [O] Multiple bibliography files with ox-bibtex and html export

From: Thibault Marin
Subject: Re: [O] Multiple bibliography files with ox-bibtex and html export
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2016 23:31:33 -0600
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.16; emacs 24.5.1


I am trying to get back to the multiple bibliography issue discussed
some time ago.

I have two patches proposing two slightly different approaches (from
earlier suggestions):

- 0001-contrib-lisp-ox-bibtex.el-org-bibtex-process-bib-fil.patch creates a
  new bibliography file, a concatenation of all the input files, before calling

- 0001-ox-bibtex.el-Support-multiple-bib-files-in-HTML-expo.patch use
  `start-process' to start the bibtex2html process, then feeds it the input
  bibliography files via stdin.  Once all files are sent it uses a while loop to
  wait for the process to complete (I don't know if there is a better way to do
  that without busy waiting).
  #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;; FIXME: How to wait for process to finish?
(while (not process-complete)
  (accept-process-output bibtex2html-proc)
  (sit-for 1)))

Could you please let me know which direction would be preferred, and if changes
should be made to the patch?



Attachment: 0001-contrib-lisp-ox-bibtex.el-org-bibtex-process-bib-fil.patch
Description: Text Data

Attachment: 0001-ox-bibtex.el-Support-multiple-bib-files-in-HTML-expo.patch
Description: Text Data

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