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[O] [bug] timed repeater shows up in wrong place

From: Samuel Wales
Subject: [O] [bug] timed repeater shows up in wrong place
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2016 15:44:25 -0700

thank you to everybody who made org 9 possible.

in recent org 9 maint

*********** NEXTREPEAT test :goto:
SCHEDULED: <2016-07-15 Fri 21:00 .+1d>

does not show up in the timed section of agenda
it shows in scheduled section
other tasks like it show in timed section
if the date is today, then it works correctly
*correctly to me is the traditional behavior of showing up every day*

i have a hypothesis that this is due to a discussion some time ago
from somebody who did not want repeaters to pop up again after the
repeater interval unless they were doneified.

both he and i urged that that such a new, different behavior should be
optional, as i rely on being reminded of repeaters more than once
/even when they have not been doneified/.  however, i could be wrong
about the origin of this, to me, bug.

if the hypothesis is not wrong, then i believe it's a personal opinion
which behavior should be default.  some will want the new behavior of
allowing things to fall into obscurity if not doneified.  some like
myself rely on the task popping up again.  both should be available,
in my opinion, as there are insufficient workarounds.

it does not seem to be documented in the release notes, so i hope that
it is just a bug, or that there is a variable for it.

i will probably have to downgrade to org 8 until this is fixed or i
find the variable.


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