Honestly, the sky is the limit. I agree with what everyone else is
saying, it depends on the diagram, your skill level, comfort level,
etc. Personally, I export to HTML, not LaTeX, plus I'm more
old-school. I just use Perl w/GD to make many of my images. The
PNG export is easily viewed/inserted into my .org files and I can
include the code in my .org files as well if I choose.
Point is, any programming language can also be used to generate
images as well. Ditaa, PlantUML, GnuPlot, etc, help do the job
faster for specific types of data/drawings. Anything outside the
box (no pun intended), you need something more "arbitrary" like
LibreDraw, GD, etc.
On 10/04/2016 06:54 AM, Peter Davis
On Tue, Oct 4, 2016, at 09:11 AM, Lawrence Bottorff wrote:
I know lots of you use Emacs
and org mode to prepare scholarly books and papers, either
doing the HTML or, more probably, the Latex export.
Question: Let's say I want to produce a math text with
Emacs/org-mode/Latex. What is the best way to make diagrams
and images? I've seen things like Inkscape and LibreOffice
Draw. But then there is Gnuplot and Tikz. Yes, what Tikz
does seems optimal, but the learning curve is a year's
sabbatical. Just wondering what you people are using to do
your images.
I think it really depends on
what kinds of diagrams and images you're trying to use. I've
been using embedded dot (GraphViz) diagrams with org for a
number of years, and I find it fantastically helpful for
things like graphs (nodes connected by arrows, optionally all
labelled), data structure diagrams, etc. ... the basic boxes
and lines kind of drawing.
I also just discovered ditaa,
which seems also good for boxes and lines, but with more
freedom (and more work to edit the input).
I've also used PlantUML for
modelling diagrams.
I know others are using embedded
R code to get data visualization graphics automatically.
Most of these use separate
packages to create the graphics, but there are hooks in org to
call the external programs and include the results in the
Peter Davis