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Re: [O] Disable org-babel-inline-result-wrap per inline code?

From: David A. Gershman
Subject: Re: [O] Disable org-babel-inline-result-wrap per inline code?
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2016 07:23:49 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Icedove/45.2.0

On 09/21/2016 04:49 AM, Adam Porter wrote:
"David A. Gershman" <address@hidden> writes:

Given the following line:

* Date: src_perl[:results output :exports none]{print 2016;}

The result '2016' is surrounded by '=' so that HTML export results in
<code></code> tags surrounding
the '2016'. 

According to the manual section 14.5, 'org-babel-inline-result-wrap'
defines how the results are wrapped. Executing a (print
org-babel-inline-result-wrap), I get:

{blank line}

so I attempted the following:

* Date: src_emacs-lisp[:exports none]{(setq
org-babel-inline-result-wrap "")} src_perl[:results output :exports
none]{print 2016;} src_emacs-lisp[:exports none]{(setq
org-babel-inline-result-wrap "=%s=")}

in the hopes of temporarily disabling the '=' wrapping. Sadly no luck.

I don't want to globally, or even for the whole buffer turn off the
'=%s='...just on a case-by-case basis.
Hi David,

I haven't done anything quite like this in Org before, but I think maybe
Org macros would do what you need:


According to that, "Macro expansion takes place during the very
beginning of the export process."  So it should be easy to write a macro
that evaluates to a date in the format you need, and it should take
effect when you export it to HTML.  At least, that's what it sounds like
to me.  Please let me know what you find out.  :)

That's actually how I'm doing it, but I'm not fully up on how macros work short of just being text replacements.  Currently, at the top of my file, I have:

#+MACRO: gendate src_perl[:results output]{print ($1*5);}
# Where 'print ($1*5);' will later be replaced with a perl function that takes the first day of class and an integer
#     ex:  print find_date( '20160926', 6 ); # 6 = Sixth lecture day, output: "6, Oct 12, 2016" assuming MW class.

and in the org file, I can have headlines:

* Day {{{gendate(6)}}}
* Day {{{gendate(10)}}}

and so on.  During export, the result desired is:

   Day 6, Oct 12, 2016

FWIW, Eric had the solution:

    #+MACRO: gendate src_perl[:results output raw]{print ($1*5);}

Thank everyone!


P.S. I should start a blog with all I learn on this.  Someone could benefit from my struggles. :)

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