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Re: [O] working with tables can be quite painful...

From: Michael Welle
Subject: Re: [O] working with tables can be quite painful...
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2016 19:54:28 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.1 (gnu/linux)


Eric S Fraga <address@hidden> writes:

> On Monday, 19 Sep 2016 at 12:58, Michael Welle wrote:
> [...]
>> the output of your profiler run doesn't ring a bell, but a few years ago
>> I had the problem that after some uptime (my Emacs uptime is typical
>> several days, up to a few weeks) Org operations like building the agenda
>> became sloooow. Restarting Emacs fixed that, until the problem occurred
>> again after some time.
> Interesting.  The performance I was referring to last week was indeed in
> an emacs that had been running for quite some time.  I did close down
> that emacs instance on Friday for unrelated reasons and the instance
> this morning had only been running for minutes.  Maybe the problem is
> not org alone but relates to emacs as well.
yepp, that's what I thought. Maybe a minor mode or some function that
got evaluated only once in a while. Or something, that depends on the
input data of that something.

>> If I remember correctly I asked the list for advise. But it looked like
>> one of these problems only I have ;). Maybe some other lisp package had 
>> its hands in the game, I don't know. Eventually, after some Emacs, Org
>> and other updates the problem was gone.
> Well, maybe it's a problem that others do have!

>> As I said, I don't think, you suffer from the same problem. But you said
>> you don't use the newest software versions, so just in case.
> To clarify, when I said I wasn't using the latest version of org, it's
> that I hadn't updated from git in a few weeks but I am using a snapshot
> of emacs tracking the development version (and now I have org up to date).
Hm, my problem was definitely way more in the past. The only performance
related problem I have from time to time is when the vc-mode hooks get
in the way. But that's nothing Org can change. But on the other hand, my
tables are much smaller than yours and contain mostly static data.


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