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Re: [O] org files and projects nested git repositories

From: Ken Mankoff
Subject: Re: [O] org files and projects nested git repositories
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2015 13:01:27 -0500
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.15; emacs 24.5.1

Hi Tyler,

I have a similar setup.

On 2015-12-31 at 12:38, Tyler Smith <address@hidden> wrote:
> ├── org
> │   ├── todo.org
> │   ├── reading.org
> │   └── personal.org

On my system this is a git repository and a cron (or actually LaunchAgent since 
I'm on OS X) does a =git commit -a <date-time-stamp>= every night. I also have 
these variables set:

(setq org-directory "~/Documents/Org")
(setq org-agenda-files (quote ("~/Documents/Org/" "~/Dropbox/Org/")))

> └── research
>     ├── project1
>     │   ├── project1.org
>     │   └── project1_reference.pdf
>     └── project2
>         ├── project2.org
>         ├── data2
>         │   ├── data2A.csv
>         │   └── data2B.csv
>         └── project2_reference.pdf

In my version of this, I have each project as its own git repository, where git 
contains the Org file, other code, the manuscript, etc. I add any Org files to 
my global agenda with =M-x org-agenda-file-to-front= and remove with =   M-x 

> When I open a new project, it gets its own folder, containing supporting
> documents, code, data, as well as an org file to manage todos and
> timelines. This doesn't seem to work well with org: most tutorials
> assume that all your planning files are found in one directory (e.g.,
> ~/org).

That is only because it is easier to show that setup in the tutorial. You can 
have Org files all over the place, and each can be added to the Agenda or not, 
as you wish.


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