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Re: [O] All TODOs are equal, but some are more equal than others...

From: Ken Mankoff
Subject: Re: [O] All TODOs are equal, but some are more equal than others...
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 08:24:34 -0400

On 2015-09-20 at 07:54, Marcin Borkowski <address@hidden> wrote:
> The problem is, I have two kinds of TODO items. Some of them are
> things I should do ASAP (but not on a particular date, so they are not
> timestamped), and some of them are just ongoing projects, or
> articles/blog posts I want to write some day (but not "some indefinite
> day in the next 30 days", rather "some day within the next two months
> or so").

I have TODO and SOMEDAY. If I don't have anything pressing TODO scheduled 
today, I can browse the SOMEDAY list and start in on something there.

I there is also a function to take a bunch of items and randomly assign them 
SCHEDULED dates spread over the next X days.

You could also use priorities for your ASAP items.


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