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Re: [O] [BUG] org-clock-display is partial (only some entries are counte

From: Sebastien Vauban
Subject: Re: [O] [BUG] org-clock-display is partial (only some entries are counted)
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2015 16:01:59 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.5 (windows-nt)

Hello Nicolas,

Nicolas Goaziou writes:
> Sebastien Vauban writes:
>> I still consider the default behavior as dangerous -- because the novice
>> is not aware (except if obvious) that some clock times may be dropped in
>> the computation, and I find that scary --, but thanks anyway for the
>> workaround.
> Would you mind testing the following patch, then? `untilnow' is just
> a suggestion.

Applied the patch:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
patching file lisp/org-clock.el
Hunk #1 succeeded at 441 (offset 1 line).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 2091 (offset 3 lines).
Hunk #3 succeeded at 2200 (offset 3 lines).
Hunk #4 succeeded at 2216 (offset 3 lines).
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Tested on one of my real files, with:

  │ org-clock-display-default-range is a variable defined in `org-clock.el'.
  │ Its value is untilnow
  │ Original value was thisyear
  │ Documentation:
  │ Default range when displaying clocks with `org-clock-display'.
  │ You can customize this variable.

Got this:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Specified time is not representable")
  encode-time(0 0 0 1 1 1)
  (setq ts (encode-time s m h d month y) te (encode-time (or s1 s) (or m1 m) 
(or h1 h) (or d1 d) (or month1 month) (or y1 y)))
  (let* ((tm (decode-time (or time (current-time)))) (s 0) (m (nth 1 tm)) (h 
(nth 2 tm)) (d (nth 3 tm)) (month (nth 4 tm)) (y (nth 5 tm)) (dow (nth 6 tm)) 
(ws (or wstart 1)) (ms (or mstart 1)) (skey (symbol-name key)) (shift 0) (q 
(cond ((>= (nth 4 tm) 10) 4) ((>= (nth 4 tm) 7) 3) ((>= (nth 4 tm) 4) 2) ((>= 
(nth 4 tm) 1) 1))) s1 m1 h1 d1 month1 y1 diff ts te fm txt w date interval tmp 
shiftedy shiftedm shiftedq) (cond ((string-match "^[0-9]+$" skey) (setq y 
(string-to-number skey) m 1 d 1 key (quote year))) ((string-match 
"^\\([0-9]+\\)-\\([0-9]\\{1,2\\}\\)$" skey) (setq y (string-to-number 
(match-string 1 skey)) month (string-to-number (match-string 2 skey)) d 1 key 
(quote month))) ((string-match "^\\([0-9]+\\)-[wW]\\([0-9]\\{1,2\\}\\)$" skey) 
(require (quote cal-iso)) (setq y (string-to-number (match-string 1 skey)) w 
(string-to-number (match-string 2 skey))) (setq date 
(calendar-gregorian-from-absolute (calendar-iso-to-absolute (list w 1 y)))) 
(setq d (nth 1 date) month (car date) y (nth 2 date) dow 1 key (quote week))) 
((string-match "^\\([0-9]+\\)-[qQ]\\([1-4]\\)$" skey) (require (quote cal-iso)) 
(setq y (string-to-number (match-string 1 skey))) (setq q (string-to-number 
(match-string 2 skey))) (setq date (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute 
(calendar-iso-to-absolute (org-quarter-to-date q y)))) (setq d (nth 1 date) 
month (car date) y (nth 2 date) dow 1 key (quote quarter))) ((string-match 
"^\\([0-9]+\\)-\\([0-9]\\{1,2\\}\\)-\\([0-9]\\{1,2\\}\\)$" skey) (setq y 
(string-to-number (match-string 1 skey)) month (string-to-number (match-string 
2 skey)) d (string-to-number (match-string 3 skey)) key (quote day))) 
((string-match "\\([-+][0-9]+\\)$" skey) (setq shift (string-to-number 
(match-string 1 skey)) key (intern (substring skey 0 (match-beginning 1)))) (if 
(and (memq key (quote (quarter thisq))) (> shift 0)) (error "Looking forward 
with quarters isn't implemented")))) (if (= shift 0) (progn (cond ((eq key 
(quote yesterday)) (setq key (quote today) shift -1)) ((eq key (quote 
lastweek)) (setq key (quote week) shift -1)) ((eq key (quote lastmonth)) (setq 
key (quote month) shift -1)) ((eq key (quote lastyear)) (setq key (quote year) 
shift -1)) ((eq key (quote lastq)) (setq key (quote quarter) shift -1))))) 
(cond ((memq key (quote (day today))) (setq d (+ d shift) h 0 m 0 h1 24 m1 0)) 
((memq key (quote (week thisweek))) (setq diff (+ (* -7 shift) (if (= dow 0) (- 
7 ws) (- dow ws))) m 0 h 0 d (- d diff) d1 (+ 7 d))) ((memq key (quote (month 
thismonth))) (setq d (or ms 1) h 0 m 0 d1 (or ms 1) month (+ month shift) 
month1 (1+ month) h1 0 m1 0)) ((memq key (quote (quarter thisq))) (cond ((< (+ 
(- q 1) shift) 0) (setq interval (* -1 (+ ... shift))) (setq tmp (org-floor* 
interval 4)) (if (= 0 (nth 1 tmp)) (setq shiftedy (- y ...) shiftedm 1 shiftedq 
1) (setq shiftedy (- y ...) shiftedm (- 13 ...) shiftedq (- 5 ...))) (setq d 1 
h 0 m 0 d1 1 month shiftedm month1 (+ 3 shiftedm) h1 0 m1 0 y shiftedy)) ((> (+ 
q shift) 0) (setq shiftedq (+ q shift)) (setq shiftedy y) (setq d 1 h 0 m 0 d1 
1 month (+ 1 (* 3 ...)) month1 (+ 4 (* 3 ...)) h1 0 m1 0)))) ((memq key (quote 
(year thisyear))) (setq m 0 h 0 d 1 month 1 y (+ y shift) y1 (1+ y))) ((eq key 
(quote untilnow)) (setq y1 y month1 m d1 d m 0 h 0 d 1 month 1 y 1)) ((eq key 
(quote interactive)) nil) (t (user-error "No such time block %s" key))) (setq 
ts (encode-time s m h d month y) te (encode-time (or s1 s) (or m1 m) (or h1 h) 
(or d1 d) (or month1 month) (or y1 y))) (setq fm (cdr org-time-stamp-formats)) 
(cond ((memq key (quote (day today))) (setq txt (format-time-string "%A, %B %d, 
%Y" ts))) ((memq key (quote (week thisweek))) (setq txt (format-time-string 
"week %G-W%V" ts))) ((memq key (quote (month thismonth))) (setq txt 
(format-time-string "%B %Y" ts))) ((memq key (quote (year thisyear))) (setq txt 
(format-time-string "the year %Y" ts))) ((eq key (quote untilnow)) (setq txt 
"now")) ((memq key (quote (quarter thisq))) (setq txt (concat 
(org-count-quarter shiftedq) " quarter of " (number-to-string shiftedy))))) (if 
as-strings (list (format-time-string fm ts) (format-time-string fm te) txt) (if 
(eq key (quote interactive)) (list (org-read-date nil t nil "Range start? ") 
(org-read-date nil t nil "Range end? ") "(Range interactively set)") (list ts 
te txt))))
  (and (symbolp range) (org-clock-special-range range))
  (or (and (symbolp range) (org-clock-special-range range)) 
(org-clock-special-range (intern (completing-read "Range: " (quote ("today" 
"yesterday" "thisweek" "lastweek" "thismonth" "lastmonth" "thisyear" "lastyear" 
"interactive")) nil t))))
  (let ((r (or (and (symbolp range) (org-clock-special-range range)) 
(org-clock-special-range (intern (completing-read "Range: " (quote ...) nil 
t)))))) (org-clock-sum (car r) (cadr r) headline-filter (or propname 
  org-clock-sum-custom(nil untilnow :org-clock-minutes-default)
  (cond ((not arg) (org-clock-sum-custom nil org-clock-display-default-range 
prop)) (todayp (org-clock-sum-today)) (customp (org-clock-sum-custom nil arg)) 
(t (org-clock-sum)))
  (let* ((todayp (equal arg (quote (4)))) (customp (member arg (quote ((16) 
today yesterday thisweek lastweek thismonth lastmonth thisyear lastyear 
interactive)))) (prop (cond ((not arg) :org-clock-minutes-default) (todayp 
:org-clock-minutes-today) (customp :org-clock-minutes-custom) (t 
:org-clock-minutes))) time h m p) (cond ((not arg) (org-clock-sum-custom nil 
org-clock-display-default-range prop)) (todayp (org-clock-sum-today)) (customp 
(org-clock-sum-custom nil arg)) (t (org-clock-sum))) (if (eq arg (quote (64))) 
nil (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while (or (and (equal (setq p ...) 
(point-min)) (get-text-property p prop)) (setq p (next-single-property-change 
(point) prop))) (goto-char p) (if (setq time (get-text-property p prop)) (progn 
(org-clock-put-overlay time)))) (setq h (/ org-clock-file-total-minutes 60) m 
(- org-clock-file-total-minutes (* 60 h))) (if 
org-remove-highlights-with-change (progn (org-add-hook (quote 
before-change-functions) (quote org-clock-remove-overlays) nil (quote 
local)))))) (message (concat (format "Total file time%s: " (cond (todayp " for 
today") (customp " (custom)") (t ""))) (org-minutes-to-clocksum-string 
org-clock-file-total-minutes) " (%d hours and %d minutes)") h m))
  call-interactively(org-clock-display nil nil)
  #[1025 "\306\211?\205\f       
 \211\320N\327#\"\210\262\207" [debug-on-next-call prefix-arg 
current-prefix-arg disabled-command-function command-history history-length nil 
disabled run-hooks indirect-function autoload autoload-do-load arrayp 
execute-kbd-macro 0 call-interactively byte-obsolete-info 
command-execute-obsolete-warned put t message "%s" macroexp--obsolete-warning 
"command"] 13 1990350](org-clock-display nil nil nil)
  funcall(#[1025 "\306\211?\205\f       
 \211\320N\327#\"\210\262\207" [debug-on-next-call prefix-arg 
current-prefix-arg disabled-command-function command-history history-length nil 
disabled run-hooks indirect-function autoload autoload-do-load arrayp 
execute-kbd-macro 0 call-interactively byte-obsolete-info 
command-execute-obsolete-warned put t message "%s" macroexp--obsolete-warning 
"command"] 13 1990350] org-clock-display nil nil nil)
  (with-no-warnings (funcall ad--addoit-function cmd record-flag keys special))
  (setq ad-return-value (with-no-warnings (funcall ad--addoit-function cmd 
record-flag keys special)))
  (let (ad-return-value) (setq ad-return-value (with-no-warnings (funcall 
ad--addoit-function cmd record-flag keys special))) (when 
(fancy-narrow-active-p) (fancy-narrow--motion-function)) ad-return-value)
  ad-Advice-command-execute(#[1025 "\306\211?\205\f     
 \211\320N\327#\"\210\262\207" [debug-on-next-call prefix-arg 
current-prefix-arg disabled-command-function command-history history-length nil 
disabled run-hooks indirect-function autoload autoload-do-load arrayp 
execute-kbd-macro 0 call-interactively byte-obsolete-info 
command-execute-obsolete-warned put t message "%s" macroexp--obsolete-warning 
"command"] 13 1990350] org-clock-display)
  apply(ad-Advice-command-execute #[1025 "\306\211?\205\f       
 \211\320N\327#\"\210\262\207" [debug-on-next-call prefix-arg 
current-prefix-arg disabled-command-function command-history history-length nil 
disabled run-hooks indirect-function autoload autoload-do-load arrayp 
execute-kbd-macro 0 call-interactively byte-obsolete-info 
command-execute-obsolete-warned put t message "%s" macroexp--obsolete-warning 
"command"] 13 1990350] org-clock-display)
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

while the default version `thisyear' did work, before applying the patch.

BTW, `untilnow' is not proposed when TAB'ing on `C-u C-u C-c C-x C-d'.

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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