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Re: [O] org-log-reschedule: inactive time-stamp instead

From: Daimrod
Subject: Re: [O] org-log-reschedule: inactive time-stamp instead
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2015 12:03:22 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.5.50 (gnu/linux)

M <address@hidden> writes:

>> Karl Voit <devnull <at> Karl-Voit.at> writes:
>> >> Those active time-stamps clutter my daily agenda a bit. Therefore:
>> >>
>> >> ,----[ what I would like to get ]
>> >> | :LOGBOOK:
>> >> | - Rescheduled from "[2014-12-17 Mi]" on [2014-12-16 Di 17:01]
>> >> | :END:
>> >> `----
>> >>
>> >> So can someone please add an option for this variable to get
>> >> inactive time-stamps?
> Hi Karl,
> did you find a solution in the meantime? I'm having the same problem and the
> active timestamps are also bothering me as rescheduled tasks which
> originally were scheduled for today stay in my daily agenda and clutter it.
> I wonder if I get something wrong, but in the variable org-log-note-headings
> I see
>   Heading when rescheduling
>   String: Rescheduled from %S on %t
> Shouldn't the %S represent a TODO state (which makes no sense)?
> Can I replace it by an inactive timestamp?


I had the same problem and implemented a quick'n dirty solution :

(defun dmd-org-active-timestamp-to-inactive-when-rescheduled ()
  "Convert some variable with active timestamp to inactive one."
  (when (eq org-log-note-purpose 'reschedule)
    (setq org-log-note-previous-state
          (substitute ?\] ?\> (substitute ?\[ ?\< org-log-note-previous-state 
:test #'char-equal)
                      :test #'char-equal))))

(add-hook 'org-log-buffer-setup-hook 

It works for me but it should probably be fixed in org-mode itself.



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