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Re: [O] tentative patch Re: commit found, was: Re: ECM for: issues wi

From: Robert Klein
Subject: Re: [O] tentative patch Re: commit found, was: Re: ECM for: issues with publishing to LaTeX using #INCLUDE
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2015 14:55:22 +0200


you're right about eval and symbol-value, of course. I mixed up my test
files, so both the commit I `identified' and the `patch' are bogus.

I now used git bisect for both my current minimal setup (.emacs
attached as .femacs and the files ~/ot/1.org, ~/ot/2.org, and
~/ot/3.org all three having the contents of the attached file 1.org)
and the setup and project I first encountered the issue.

The issue occurs always during publishing the _second_ file, that is,
the first file being published gets published Ok, and the following
files don't.

For the minimal example I cd'd to ~/ot and called emacs using the
command line:

rm *.tex ~/.org-timestamps/linux-e-pdf.cache ; emacs -q -l ~/.femacs

For the original project I used my full setup but also deleted *.tex,
*.pdf, and ~/.org-timestamps/linux-e-pdf.cache.

To be sure nothing went wrong I bisected twice for each project.

For the minimal example commit 2965f8fb0c048a20b52ba90627e7cca6fe706c93
is identified as the first bad one.

For my full setup it is the earlier commit

My Emacs version is  : GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (x86_64-suse-linux-gnu, GTK+
Version 3.10.2) of 2015-04-30 on build83

Meanwhile I added a second elisp source and call (between
latex_class_options and the later options line).  With this added I
don't see the error anymore.  Same for the minimal example (org files
all having the content of the attached file working.org)

I'm sorry for the earlier confusion.

Best regards

On Sun, 21 Jun 2015 00:15:49 +0200
Nicolas Goaziou <address@hidden> wrote:

> Hello,
> Robert Klein <address@hidden> writes:
> > when I change a `symbol-value' in the commit back to `eval', export
> > seems to work again.
> Actually, I cannot reproduce your issue.
> > Patch is attached.
> I don't understand why replacing `symbol-value' with `eval' could
> solve the issue. Could you debug this and see what happens with both
> `symbol-value' and `eval'?
> Thank you.
> Regards,

Attachment: 1.org
Description: Binary data

Attachment: .femacs
Description: Binary data

Attachment: working.org
Description: Binary data

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