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Re: [O] Bug: Org timeline does not work [8.3beta (release_8.3beta-1229-g

From: Nick Dokos
Subject: Re: [O] Bug: Org timeline does not work [8.3beta (release_8.3beta-1229-ge900eb @ /home/dominik/.emacs.d/org-mode/lisp/)]
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2015 13:10:27 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Dominik Schrempf <address@hidden> writes:

> Hello,
> if I want to create a timeline of an arbritrary org file, I get the following 
> error:
> Symbol's function is void: org-timeline

This function is defined in org-agenda.el[c]. So the question is:
is org-agenda loaded? If

(featurep 'org-agenda)

evaluates to nil, it is not: check your initialization.
If it *is* loaded, then something is *really* wrong with your

BTW, to paraphrase a certain Jedi master "this is not the function you
are looking for": org-timeline was a poor man's agenda before agendas
were implemented. At this point, it is an orphan, waiting to be
deprecated and deleted. Check the ML for earlier discussions.

> Best wishes,
> Dominik
> Emacs  : GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.16.2)
>  of 2015-04-20 on bitzer.hoetzel.info
> Package: Org-mode version 8.3beta (release_8.3beta-1229-ge900eb @ 
> /home/dominik/.emacs.d/org-mode/lisp/)


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