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Re: [O] How to make footnotes be fnlocal by default?

From: Rasmus
Subject: Re: [O] How to make footnotes be fnlocal by default?
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2015 00:57:45 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130014 (Ma Gnus v0.14) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

William Denton <address@hidden> writes:

> I'm writing something with a bunch of footnotes and instead of doing
> them by hand I'm using C-c C-x f, which in the usual Emacs/Org way
> strikes me as a more difficult at first but then turns into magic.
> By default, adding a footnote puts it at the bottom of the document.
> This is because of org-footnote-define-inline:
> 'Non-nil means define footnotes inline, at reference location. When
> nil, footnotes will be defined in a special section near the end of
> the document. When t, the [fn:label:definition] notation will be used
> to define the footnote at the reference position."
> However, there are three (not two) possible options available in
> STARTUP options:
>> fninline    define footnotes inline
>> fnnoinline  define footnotes in separate section
>> fnlocal     define footnotes near first reference, but not inline
> I found I like fnlocal, which puts the footnotes at the bottom of the
> paragraph or section, where they are nearby and easy to see.
> I'd like to make this the default in all Org files by setting
> org-footnote-define-inline, but it seems I can't---all I can definte
> that way are the fninline and fnnoinline options.  Am I correct?  Is
> there some way around this, or perhaps a (setq
> org-footnote-define-inline 'fnlocal) setting could be added?

How about:
    (setq org-footnote-section nil) 


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