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Re: [O] Possible cache problems

From: Suvayu Ali
Subject: Re: [O] Possible cache problems
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2015 21:38:53 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/ (2014-03-12)

Hi Nicolas,

On Tue, Jun 02, 2015 at 11:27:55PM +0200, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> Suvayu Ali <address@hidden> writes:
> > I have enabled the mode on my document.  Let's see how this goes.
> OK. You have to keep an eye on the *Messages* buffer so that warning
> don't go unnoticed.

I do not see anything happening.  In the modeline I see OrgCacheD, so
the mode is definitely enabled.  However to enable it, I had to do one
of these two:

  (setq ngz-debug-mode nil)
  (setq ngz-debug-mode t)

I do not see any messages with either.  Here is a sample of messages
with nil,

  Wrote /home/user/org/LHCb-Bs2Dsh/gamma/cpv.org
  Saving file /home/user/org/LHCb-Bs2Dsh/gamma/WIN2015/cpv_flavour_suvayu.tex...
  Wrote /home/user/org/LHCb-Bs2Dsh/gamma/WIN2015/cpv_flavour_suvayu.tex
  Searched 1 buffer; 11 matches for `em]'
  Mark saved where search started
  Saving file /home/user/org/LHCb-Bs2Dsh/gamma/cpv.org...
  Wrote /home/user/org/LHCb-Bs2Dsh/gamma/cpv.org
  Saving file /home/user/org/LHCb-Bs2Dsh/gamma/WIN2015/cpv_flavour_suvayu.tex...
  Wrote /home/user/org/LHCb-Bs2Dsh/gamma/WIN2015/cpv_flavour_suvayu.tex

I'm exporting to LaTeX and compiling from a shell.  Everytime I export,
Emacs starts eating CPU after export.  This is apart from the random
hangs during editing.  I usually keep doing C-g several times to get
back a responsive interface; the last few times I waited for it to
finish though, and it does finish but no messages (as you see above).

Am I missing something?

I also see some folding anomalies:

After 1 <tab>:

  **** asl & phi                                                        :BMCOL:
  ***** φ_{s} measurements                                            
After 2 <tab>s:

  **** asl & phi                                                        :BMCOL:
  - B⁰ → D^{\ast}Xlν (\BaBar) ::  PRL 111 101802 (2013)
  - B → X_{s}ll (\BaBar) :: PRL 112 211802
  - B → X_{s}γ (\BaBar) :: PRD 90 092001
  ***** φ_{s} measurements                                            :B_boldH:
        :BEAMER_env: boldH
  - B_{s} → J/ψKK,ππ (LHCb) :: PRD 87 (2013) 112010

And this is the Org source:

  **** asl & phi                                                        :BMCOL:
       :BEAMER_col: 0.33
  ***** a_{sl}/A_{\CP} measurements                                   :B_boldH:
        :BEAMER_env: boldH
  #+attr_LaTeX: :options [style=nextline]
  - B⁰ → D^{\ast}Xlν (\BaBar) ::  PRL 111 101802 (2013)
  - B → X_{s}ll (\BaBar) :: PRL 112 211802
  - B → X_{s}γ (\BaBar) :: PRD 90 092001
  ***** φ_{s} measurements                                            :B_boldH:
        :BEAMER_env: boldH
  - B_{s} → J/ψKK,ππ (LHCb) :: PRD 87 (2013) 112010

I have to go unfold the property drawer for "asl & phi", go to the end
of the :END: line, and hit tab to reveal the next headline.  I don't
think this one is cache related, maybe I should start different thread
for this.

Any thoughts?


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