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[O] How to create synopsis output of versioned text?

From: Martin Weigele
Subject: [O] How to create synopsis output of versioned text?
Date: Wed, 20 May 2015 20:13:27 +0200
User-agent: KMail/4.13.3 (Linux/3.13.0-53-generic; KDE/4.13.3; i686; ; )

When dealing with different versions of text, e.g. old and new (law) code, it 
is sometimes nice to be able to create a synopsis of the versions of the text 
in tabular form.

Any suggestions how to do this in emacs orgmode? Yes I know you can manually 
do tables, and you could call unix diff, but something that does it 
automatically from the individual text versions with a tabular output - old 
version left, new version right column, with similar sections or code pieces 
matching in the same row would be cool. As a last resort, even outside 
orgmode. :)


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