>/ Org-mode offers everything I need, except for one minor/
>/ detail. It is very difficult to include the same CSS file in the/
>/ html-head of several files located at various levels of the directory/
>/ hierarchy./
>/ I do not really like this trick/
>/ http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-publish-html-tutorial.html#sec-6./
>/ For/
>/ the time being, I configured several projects (one for each level),/
>/ seehttps://github.com/sbrisard/blog/blob/master/sb-blog.el. But I am/
>/ not happy with this solution either./
>/ I think that it would be great if org-html-head and/
>/ org-html-head-extra behaved as org-html-preamble and/
>/ org-html-postamble, which can be set to either a string, or a/
>/ function. This offers great flexibility for the configuration of the/
>/ pre/postamble (I use it to conditionnaly include DISQUS comments in/
>/ the postamble)./
>/ Would it be possible to mimick the same behavior with org-html-head/
>/ and org-html-head-extra? Or would this be too much work?/
You could use macros:
#+MACRO: my-style (eval (concat "#+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: " (if t "<style></>"
But for this problem you could just the absolute path to the CSS:
http://my.url/theme.css, I guess.
Preferably via ox-publish.