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Re: [O] HTML --> Org-mode?

From: Wim Oudshoorn
Subject: Re: [O] HTML --> Org-mode?
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 14:58:00 +0100
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.18

> Thank you Willem,
> This looks very helpful.
> I am trying the code out in a scratch buffer and I am unable to gnerate
> org
> syntax, e.g. with this test string:
> (h-2-o-insert-org-source-for-html  "<p><a
> href=\"http://example.org/\";>hello</a>
> <span style=\"font-style:italic;\">world<br/> foo</span></p>" )
> Am I doing something wrong?  Thanks,
> Matt

No you are not doing anything wrong.
What happens is that:

1. I have not implemented links.  This should be easy
   to fix and I will do this when I get home.
2. Similarly for the <span> element.   However I do not
   exactly know what the corresponding Org syntax should be?
   Would you expect:


   Or is there a structured element in org mode that renders
   a block as italics?

I will see what I can do about point 2.

In general, I am a bit torn between:

- faithful transformation.
- Getting readable org source.

I am leaning towards the readable org source and
sacrificing the faithfulness.

Wim Oudshoorn.

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