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Re: [O] mailto link with a subject and a content

From: Christian Moe
Subject: Re: [O] mailto link with a subject and a content
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 09:23:23 +0100
User-agent: mu4e; emacs 24.4.1


This works fine for me with mu4e as the mail client. It's not guaranteed
to work with every client, but it can be a solution for personal
use. It's not necessarily the best solution.

The general syntax is mailto:address?subject=text&body=text

Some applications even allow adding attachments the same way
(...&attachment=...), but mu4e doesn't seem to.

If you keep everything on one line and in a bracketed link, you don't
even have to worry about replacing spaces with "%20":

[[mailto:address@hidden words&body=Some more words]]

But it's probably recommendable to URL-encode spaces and punctuation,
and I find it's necessary if you have newlines. You can use the
url-encode-url function for this.

So the OP's example would be:


(The brackets are needed if you actually want to keep the trailing dots.)


Eric Abrahamsen writes:

> PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel <address@hidden>
> writes:
>> Hello, I would like to create a link (exported as html) which allow to 
>> prefill the content of the emai when we click on it.
>> Something like
>>        To: address@hidden
>>        Subject: My problem with hkl...
>>        Package: hkl
>>        Version: @VERSION@
>>        I found this problem in hkl...
>> Is it possible to do this kind of things with org-mode ?
> I think mailto: link syntax comes with GET-style parameters that allow
> prefilling of some headers, ie
> "mailto:address@hidden";, but that's pretty
> limited. John's right that if what you want is the above, you should
> probably just write some function to do it.
> Incidentally, when I just tried to test the above, org would only send
> the link to Conkeror, instead of opening in Gnus. Dunno what's going on
> there.
> Eric

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